eight | T R Y S T

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Groggily awaking from an uncomfortable nap she took on the ground, it didn't take long for _____ to register that she was in the same spot where she had been crying. Being unable to tell time in a place without any natural sunlight, the female wasn't sure if she had been out for a few or hours or another week. Judging by how her body still reacted negatively to the slightest movement, it had only been hours since the twin machines departed.

Adam and Eve had not returned, but the area that they had exited was no longer blocked by the crystallized silicon and carbon material Adam was able to manipulate at will. She wondered where the two could be, but what mattered more at the moment was that she had a chance to escape.

Her immediate reaction made her say,
» "I should stay" «
» "I should escape" «

Taking the chance, _____ clutched the bed for support and forced herself on her legs. Afterwards, she limped towards the desk and reached for her satchel, which had been replenished with fruit Eve had retrieved earlier. She noticed how the crimson apples outnumbered the berries, despite their small size.

It didn't surprise the female that the transmitter was gone, but an overwhelming worry washed over her. How the hell was she going to get help? Would she escape before they return? All these questions, yet none of them had a definite answer.

"I should just get out of here while I have the chance," she told herself.

"2B, two powerful machine lifeforms have been detected within the area. If my suspicions are correct, Adam and Eve are bombarding the area with the Goliath-class machines and provoking nearby machines as well," 6O remarks. "It's advisable to confront them, but I'm also concerned about your safety. We saw how they evolved how quickly from your last encounter."

As 2B evades the steel arm of an incoming machine lifeform, she uses her sword to slash at another. She was relentless with her attacks, exerting force that showed how dutiful she was on the battlefield. Flames, sparks, and explosions did not change the cold expression that remained etched on her face, and she kept it that way, ally or not.

"H-Hold on, 2B! The Commander says that you should detonate your black box to slow down Adam and Eve. They're too powerful for you to take on your own."

The Operator continues,  "It's risky, but we have to try. 9S already backed up your data when he was undergoing maintenance and repair here at the Bunker."



"Please be--"

The call was interrupted abruptly and 2B was able to see the gleaming red eyes of Adam and Eve through the smoke and dirt picked up by the slight wind. Adam knew of 2B's capabilities, so he and Eve prepared beforehand with machines mass-producing at an alarming rate. None ever entered the sinkhole in the fight between them and 2B because they were preserving all the strength they could muster before letting it all loose on the androids.

Trudging past the opening of the room she had been contained in, _____ glanced all directions of the area beyond. She could give Adam credit for trying to copy the city that stood in the past, but alas, she was lost with no idea where to go. Left or right?

Wasting no time, she went left and attempted to ignore the throbbing in her legs. Thankfully, she was able to limp slowly, but she also worried of being caught trying to escape. Slowly, step by step, she comes across multiple YorHa corpses strewed across the ground.

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