twelve | I M B R O G L I O

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"Oh shit," _____ mutters out, shakily unsheathing the blade that remained beneath her cloak and pointing it to the source of the noise in meager attempt to defend herself.

If _____ weren't so curiously overtaken by fear, she would've dashed out far away from the bushes that rustled nearby. The sound continued to echo into the human's ears until it finally stops. This brought a sigh of relief from her and soon brings the tip of her sword to the sheath, but during that process, the rustling begins again.

"Who's there!?" She snapped at the bushes as she points the tip again, but more steadily this time.

Out of the blue, a white coated mammal hops out of the bushes. Its pink eyes gleam with pure innocence. From the books _____'s read, this animal was identified as a wild rabbit and she knew better than to chase after it. Despite it being wild, the furry mammal was adorable; its white fur reminded her of Nines' hai-- no, she scolded herself. 9S doesn't deserve her affections.

She gave a genuine smile to the small mammal before turning her heel and continuing her stroll through the vast woods. Perhaps she could hunt one of them for a meal later on, but that depended on whether she'd see another one of them again in her journey. They weren't very common to come across, but that was most likely due to the fact they live in burrows, away from the madness of this world.

"Why were the animals spared, I wonder?"

That's right. Maybe the machines were only meant to target the humans, but why would they go through such measures to eradicate us all when they left the animals and plants untouched? Humans were mammals much like rabbits, moose, and boars, and maybe, there were apes. Apes are relatives of mankind, is that right? Or did they spare them too because they didn't show a vast level of intellect like we did? Haha... the thought was funny enough to make her forget about her current issues. Perhaps it was the atmosphere of the forest that brought her to act this way, or maybe it was because she was alone with these questionable thoughts.

These thoughts lead to her memory of Adam, who seemed to want to know more about her kind, but her train of thought ceased when she heard the familiar sound of metal parts shifting together. All panic rose to her chest as she tried to find the source of the noise, but it seemed to trap and encase her. They were surrounding her. These sounds increased in volume as they grew nearer towards her location and her grip around the sword began to falter. She didn't want to die. Not here. Not now.

Slowly, the machines appeared before her in chainmail armor-- despite being made of the materials themselves-- and some even rode on horses. Though these weren't living horses, these were metal mimics of the real ones. Were they trying to copy what mankind had abandoned? It was odd, they all appeared to be dressed in the time of the dark ages, but are weapons capable of destruction themselves. Some held lances and directed their underlings to gather in formation.

They were about to charge at her at once.

"Vengeance for the Forest King!" One of them declared in its robotic, but seemingly desperate tone. It was like they'd been defeated and put through the worst, and it was eerily present in each life form. Then it became sudden to her that the two, 2B and 9S, had been here before to observe a kingdom of some sort. Shockingly, these machines had such a mind to create a monarchy out of the old lands, but it was evident enough they were capable of doing so.

It was from behind when the first attack came, and _____ swiftly dodged the speedy ambush. The evade alone was enough to bring her pulse rate up and sweat to bead on her head as she did her best to get them in one place before securing an escape. That was before she heard the static of electricity bolt behind her, and the relentless slaughter of machines were present. The human was almost afraid to look, so picked up her feet and tumbled over to a tight spot between the trees to hide from whatever it was that went off to battle the machines that ambushed her.

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