twenty-three | S A R C O P H I L O U S

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Adam gently brushes back the hair covering her collarbones with his clawed right hand and began to speak soothingly, "I think this outfit suits you. Don't you agree?"

He continued to groom her as he went on to explain, "from what I learned, humans— specifically female— wore these long flowing dresses. I've noticed the YoRHa of a female
model wear shorter skirts for easy mobility. This one is a little longer because I felt it suited you better."

Eve rested his elbows on the human's lap as he rested his head in his hands. He seems entranced with a silly smile on his face. Occasionally, Eve would appear smug, with the same expression as his brother, but it appeared that his face softened to something more innocent. All the more reason to distrust either brother.

_____ remained silent as usual, letting the twins pamper her however they wished and only spoke whenever she needed to object to something she clearly disliked. Eve had no issue with the human, but Adam had a tendency to push the limits with her, insisting that they initiate activities that the humans from the old world did. She did often wonder what he meant when he rambled his philosophies and ideas to her. She felt even more juvenile than Eve sometimes.

Her dress blended with the crystallized carbon and silicon and trailed all the way to her mid-calves. A white bow was tied not too tight and not too loose around her waist and complimented the dress well. Overall, _____ believed it made her look more delicate, and more weak. She despised every moment, but she did not say a thing as if she were mute.

"Right now, one of our units is retrieving that flower you like. It grows in random spaces so it'll take a bit for the little guy to find a whole lot of them," Eve states. "Though, it is strange how some humans have a liking towards plants. Some of the machines that roam like the flowers here too. I never understood why they find them so beautiful."

The short-haired biomachine lifts his head from his hands and proceeds to wrap his arms around the human's waist. He sat on the ground as Adam stood behind the copied armchair _____ remained motionless in.

"So, it's only you now?" Adam inquired.

"You shouldn't ask questions you know the answer to," _____ mutters.

_____ immediately resorts to biting her tongue after she let the words slip past her lips. 'Stupid, stupid!' she thought. Adam allowed to let her know what happened beyond their little safe spot, and Eve, by impulse, mocked the YoRHa for falling before the machine life forms. His brother could only chuckle at this as he kept illustrating with his words how the Bunker was like a beautiful flower in the sky. His words frustrated her and made her weep bitter tears as Eve tried to figure out why she was so upset again. Adam only appeared coy as he observed each expression she made. Of course, she wouldn't let him have the glory or freedom of manipulating her emotions.They could not empathize with a human.

"9S is—"

"Yes, he's alive, but he's long forgotten you by now like the rest of YoRHa before their cruel fate."

"He would never forget."

"He would never forget but he would prioritize something— no— someone if the situation called for it."

Adam ceased grooming the humans and then bent down to her ear beginning to whisper into her right ear, "it's that android— what is her name? The one that nearly killed me in two instances?"

"Ah," Adam recalls, "2B."

"Do you despise that android as much as you despise me? I know how much you'd love to see me perish. You'd wish I had died when the little YoRHa plunged her thin blade into my abdomen the first time. Trust me, I would not be here if I was not connected to the network." He wraps his hands around her neck with his thumbs at her nape. Due to their difference in sizes, Adam was nearly able to wrap one hand almost entirely around her neck.

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