three | H I R A E T H

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Prior to the descent to the moon, _____ was to help transport cargo onto the aircraft, and it took all of the human's will to get up earlier than she usually does to prepare for the trip. It was a week of human interaction, right? _____ thought. Something out of the ordinary would at least pull _____ out of her boredom and into the society that she had only a small idea about. How different could they be from androids? At this time, machines had complex personalities, deceivingly good looks, and incredible intellect and strength. To _____, she believed androids were better versions of her race, but machines are only as good as their creators.

After the cargo was secured, the androids were sent out again to retrieve more cargo. What were they transporting? _____ decided to find out by opening one of the closed rectangular boxes. As _____ expected, the boxes were empty like she had seen before. She closed the box as soon as she heard a familiar voice behind her.

"Are you about to board?" inquired a certain white-haired boy.

"Oh, Nines. Yeah. I'm just helping with cargo," _____ states. "Are you off to the surface?"

"Yeah! 2B and I are assigned to check up on the Resistance and do some recon."

9S continues, "I also have a little gift for your trip. It's a little care package for whenever you get bored. The other scanners and I gathered all the things you would need for your trip."

He hands _____ a brown satchel. In it contained a wireless transmitter, three bottles of water, a notebook, a pencil, a bag of nuts, crackers, and dried fruit. There was also a silver name tag on the side of the satchel with the human's name imprinted on it, as well as the YoRHa logo on the back. _____ embraces 9S in gratitude and sees him off on the flight unit. Afterwards, _____ was escorted inside the aircraft.

Sitting in a gray chair, the pilot of the aircraft, another familiar android, prepares for the descent, pressing buttons a pulling levers. _____ felt unusually exhausted even when she didn't help as much when moving around cargo, but it felt almost induced as darkness began to cloud her vision and lulling her into a deep sleep. As soon the android was certain _____ was asleep, she slips behind her seat and seals the aircraft's door. The shuttle takes off and _____ hadn't noticed that the Commander had flipped autopilot on the settings of the aircraft.


White observed _____ from a translucent screen for any sort of odd activity of awaking from the young human. It wasn't that hard to create a simulation and transmit it into a dream. Though, it was time consuming. The aircraft never landed on the moon; it only orbited around it. White was almost ashamed of her actions; however, she had to do whatever it takes to ensure that no one found out that humanity had gone extinct long ago.

Before heading to the control room where she commanded the operators, she checked left, right, and behind her, just to make sure nobody had seen her activities. It wouldn't be any good to be be caught. No good at all.

Dry wind blew across the desert as 2B and 9S dashed past the abandoned old-world apartments in search of an escaping machine life form until they come across an opening in the center of the community ruins. 2B and 9S were struck with confusion as they notice that the area around them had android corpses strewed around the debris. The pair decide to investigate further by entering the sea of machines and they notice their attempts to act human.

The machine they chased jumps down from a height and yells. "I'll get you for this!"

All of a sudden, every machine stopped what they were doing and went after the two androids. They immediately attempt to evade any harmful attack and exert force back, slashing through each machine.

"Kill the androids!" One machine yells. "Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"This cannot continue!"

All machines seem to imitate that statement. 'This cannot continue!' is chanted until all of them cease their actions. 2B looks around to notice that the machines had stopped trying to attack them, but immediately takes the thought back when they gather together and climb on each other to form some sort of cocoon. All of the machines' energy is drained as it is transferred to what was inside of it, and the cocoon cracks open like an egg to release a humanoid, candescent, au naturel being.

2B observes the humanoid machine that lands away from the two. "An android!?"

"No! This... this is a machine!" 9S asserts.

As the humanoid machines attempts to bring himself off the ground, his white hair sways behind him as some of it falls in front of his face only hiding one of his crimson eyes. The androids charge at the odd machine, but it appears this machine seems to evolve much quicker than others.

"An...droids," the machine drawls out. "Why... fight?"

"Sword... dodge," the machine continues. "Projectiles... deflect..."

9S implores. "I think he's evolving. We'd better finish this quick!"

A tediously bizarre battle passes as 9S pierces from behind and 2B pierces her blade through the machine's lower chest from the front. The machine yells out in pain and the two androids unsheathe their blades from it's body. Limply, the machine falls over.

"Is this really a machine?" 2B questions.

9S notices an odd glow coming from the wounds of the machine and gasps in distraught. A hand reaches out of the wound and another humanoid machine, exactly identical to the first, crawls out and stands on his two feet.

"Dammit not another one!" 2B yells out.

The humanoid machine lets out a devastating shriek and the rock walls around them begins to cave in. That's when they knew they had to leave before they got caught in the debris. Below them, a newborn Eve carries his brother in his arms and disappears within the sand and falling rubble.

They were machines less than a day old, but they evolved and absorbed knowledge quicker than any machine on the surface. Today was the start of Adam and Eve's reign on the machine life forms on the surface. Adam, who desired knowledge of anything he could get his hand on, especially on humans; and Eve, who fought needlessly with anything that got in his or his brother's path. Together, they brought forth chaos to the world that required saving.

Inside the orbiting shuttle, _____ slept peacefully with tubes impaled along her nape and the world awaits for the moment she wakes up.

Rise of the Bio-Ma[c]hines

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