Chapter One

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Hello! Note from the author!! This book has been discontinued (reason why on the very last chapter), however, I am writing something else that I plan to put my full focus onto! If you like this, you may like that one as well. On my profile, the book is called Too Much Love. It is a lesbian love story about 2 girls in college so if you're interested go read it!! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the story.

《~Hamilton's POV~》

The events that had taken place just the night before had me shaken up. Long story short, Lafayette thought it would be a good idea to throw a party at our house. A lot of our close friends, who we also happened to live with or close to, came to the party so we were way too caught up in the moment of fun to realize we were getting a little bit tipsy. Eventually getting drunk.

Luckily, none of us did anything stupid. Nothing was broken, not that I could've seen. Then again, I had only been on the floor, at the foot of the couch, and could only see the kitchen entrance if I looked to my left and the couch with Mulligan on it. Quite frankly, this wasn't my kind of position to have been in. Of course, I could've easily avoided being here by watching how much I had consumed or just locking myself in my room and resuming my work. Actually, that would've been a much better alternative.

Anyhow, surprisingly, the house that Herc, Lafayette, Laurens and I harbour together is usually kept very well maintenenced. Everything was cleaned on just about a daily basis and I doubt Lafayette or Laurens would let the house go dirty if it were badly trashed. I hate this term but I guess they could be called "mothers" in the long run.

Herc had his own sense of responsibility. If he saw something as a problem, he would attempt to fix it right away. This was faulty because a lot of the time, what he considered "a problem" would vary. All the time, actually. You'll always see him pass by something that Lafayette or Laurens would go ballistic over.

Needless to say, he'd only help clean if he felt the need to. Whether he will ever feel the need to or not is totally random.

And then there's me. I work so much that usually, I don't even clean my own room. I just don't have time. Then, when I get time off, I do things like this. Unfortunately.

How it got to this point, of us living together, I don't exactly remember but it's not like it's a burden or anything. I love living here with these guys.

Changing subjects once more (which is unlikely), I finally came to my senses enough to pick myself off the floor and stand up to stretch. To my surprise, the house was actually not the worst thing ever. Yeah, there was a red solo cup every here and there but even that's something I have time to pick up and throw out.

It took about 5 seconds for me to realize the soreness in my lower back and upper thighs from sleeping on the floor (I hope). It wasn't a terrible type of sore, to where it made it nearly impossible to walk normally, but just a small one that would eventually get annoying. I wasn't very bothered though. Not yet.

I crept my way over Laurens's body, which was sprawled out in the most spontaneous way, and headed to my bedroom. I closed the door after entering and sat down at my desk chair. My green laptop sat in front of me, opened.

Can I just take a minute to admire the pure work of art that is money? It's not even the fact that it buys stuff, but it's just so...perfect. That's why it's my computer background. It's just that beautiful.

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