Chapter Six

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《~Hamilton's POV~》

I didn't actually think that Laf would leave the house like that, nor did I anticipate that he'd leave to Thomas FUCKING Jefferson's place. Of all places, it just had to be his. Of the thousands of things wrong with this, the most concerning would have to be- how are you going to punch someone in the jaw and then go live with them?

Without thinking, I grabbed at a pen and started doodling on my arm before walking a couple blocks down to Jefferson's place. It was a shame to know he lived so close that his house was in walking distance.Upon knocking, I felt a tingling on my arm. Sheesh. I completely forgot I had a soulmate..

They might as well have been dead since we literally never write.

I looked down at my arm to find "nice drawings." written in a glittery blue gel pen. "Great to see you're alive." I smiled a little and began to write as I heard the locks from the other side of the door being tampered with. Soon after the tampering stopped, the door swung open.

There, Jefferson stood leaning his shirtless body up against the door frame, his right arm posted up above his head, providing him support. His hair was slightly mangled and he had is black rimmed glasses on. I felt my face heat up and my legs start to wobble just a tiny bit.

I looked back at my arm and started to write, just to preoccupy myself from Jefferson.

《~Jefferson's POV~》

I opened the door, slightly annoyed, to little Alex writing on his arm. I didn't bother to pay attention to what he was writing, as I really didn't care. Noticing me looking down at him, he looked up and smiled innocently, his face burning bright red. I knew that smile wasn't for me and, for some reason, thinking that made my heart ache.

His gaze shifted from my eyes to my one visible arm. Suddenly, his eyes went wide and his smile dropped. That's definitely for me. "What? Who've you writing to?" I spoke up, attempting to break the silence. I didn't really care but I figured I would ask if he was going to come into my home.

"Nothing, no one, just let me in." His words were rushed as he pushed past me. He knew something that I definitely didn't. I was determined to figure it out. I was going to figure it out before he left.

"Where is Lafayette?" I completely forgot to tell him that he left out about thirty minutes before he got here. Well, while we're here...

《~Hamilton's POV~》

I had my back turned to Jefferson, which was an all around terrible idea. Although, if I wanted to hide my red painted face from him, it was kind of unavoidable. After I had asked where Lafayette was, there was a silence. I didn't want to turn around, at risk of being seen in a way I didn't want to.

"He's out, but..." He paused. I hear the front door lock. Footsteps began to build up from behind me. Good god. At this point, I didn't care about whether or not he saw me like this, he was clearly planning something. Something scandalous.

"You can wait here for him." Jefferson had been inching his way towards me while he spoke and eventually, I was up against the wall. Jefferson only a couple inches in front of me, pinning me right where I was. Now I knew my face had to be on fire. This really doesn't help me surpress my feelings for him. It also didn't help to know that this was my soulmate.

My legs had become weaker than they were before and my expression had changed from concern to something it shouldn't have. Submission, vulnerability. Whatever you'd like to call it.

《~Jefferson's POV~》

I don't know if I was only looking for a reaction or if I wanted to know what he knew. Maybe it wasn't either one of those things. Possibly, it could've been pure lust for him. But why in lords name would I lust after Alexander Hamilton? I wouldn't. At least I don't think I would.

However, I could be totally honest with one thing; he was absolutely beautiful like this. I wouldn't normally say some shit like that but this case was different. And we're already this far in so that's not the worse thing I've done in Hamilton's visit.

Suddenly, being pulled out of my train of thought, small arms were wrapped around my neck and soft lips were pressed up against mine. Without a second thought, I quickly reciprocated the motions.

《~Hamilton's POV~》
((I'm sorry for so many switches 😂))

This is something I've wanted to do for a while. At this point, the urge became way too unbearable. I mean, we were in the position. He was basically asking for it.

I mean, if anyone was in my position with someone they've liked for so long they'd do the same thing. This man made me weak and I loved him so my actions weren't that surprising. At least, not for me or my close friends.

It was a pain to wait this long anyway. However, the moment was short lived as I backed out of the exchange and snaked my way out of his arm's hold.

"I'll come back for Laf later." I spoke up and made my way out of his house, walking back down those few blocks to my own.

《~Jefferson's POV~》
((Last change, I swear))

Now, I didn't know it at the time but (we were in the same spot your son died, is that why) I really think I needed that. I think I needed him.

Just everything about him was enough to make me fantasize at night. And I never fantasize about anyone.

Looking at my arm, which was still pinned up against the wall after having such sudden movements made, I noticed new writing. "Ha ha, very funny Jefferson."

I was confused. I never told my soulmate my name, as we never talked long enough for that to happen. This could be anyone, honestly, but only one person came to mind.

Only one person calls me Jefferson.

I needed to talk to Alexander.

-1050 words

Look at who decided to update?? This was actually longer than I thought it would be. I was hoping for like 600 words but I, of course, overdid it. Well, I decided I needed to revive the soulmate thing because I freaking love the soulmate AU and also I'm so happy that some of yall decided to text the number. It makes my heart happy. Alrighty, I'll see you guys...tomorrow. A shorter chapter next time lolol.

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