Chapter Nine

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《~Hamilton's POV~》

I hadn't been outside in weeks. Almost a month. I've barely been able to leave. I tried to tell Herc about what was going on but I had been beaten into silence. I've been doing work that Laurens decides to bring me but that's about all the contact I have with the outside world. And, sure, I could write a "help me" on the work, since he'd give it to Washington, but he also checks over it. He's too smart to let simple stuff such as that pass by. I regret giving him the time of day.

I don't know why but I agreed to be quiet and at least act like I enjoy whatever sexual shit he wants to force on me so that he wouldn't beat me until I bled. Yeah, it sounds like nothing could go wrong but Laurens was rough. Really rough. Sometimes to the point where I would bleed no matter what route I took.

He fractured my left arm so I'd have an excuse to wear a cast. Why? So I wouldn't be able to cry for help to Thomas. Or talk to Thomas in general. That's what got me in this situation in the first place, I suppose. But it wasn't his fault, it was mine. I should've been more careful with what I said and realized that Laurens felt the way he did.

But that's not an excuse for the things he's done, most of which are unmentionable. But I had no way out, none that were definite and wouldn't get me hurt. So, for the past couple of weeks, while Laurens was off at work or whatever, I was locked in my room and left to cry dreadfully alone.

But that wasn't the big thing. I didn't care if I was crying every day. I didn't care if I was locked in my room. I just wanted to see Thomas again. I wanted to be with him.

《~Jefferson's POV~》

I hadn't seen Alexander in lord knows how long. Well, granted, it hasn't been that long but when you know that's your soulmate and you both clearly like each other, a couple days could seem like a couple of years. It was agonizing.

At first, I figured that he was just avoiding me. That was the first few days. I never saw him on my way to work, in the office, on the way back to work or anywhere else. I asked a few people if they had seen him and everyone was just as lost as I was.

"I wasn't aware that he wasn't going to work, but I haven't seen him around the house very much. I'll keep an eye out for him." One of his close friends said. Mulligan, I believe.

Lafayette decided to go back to his house about a day ago, having heard that things calmed down and Alexander wasn't much of a problem anymore. After he settled in, I asked him how everyone was. He never said anything about Alexander besides that he didn't see him.

I hesitantly asked Laurens about him, which seemed reasonable at the time because, well, he liked him. But, much to my expectations, he basically told me "even if I knew, I wouldn't tell you because you don't need to know." I brushed it off but I was going to push until I got something out of him. I knew that he knew.

Mainly because the other two could at least give me straight answers. Laurens, on the other hand, didn't really answer at all. He just became overly defensive. I might not have a major in people stuff (Thomas wtf wyd) but I can read when someone knows something but they're not letting on. I'm not stupid.

Not only that, but I've attempted to contact him several times. He never picked up the phone and he never texts back. I've tried writing to him, which would've been a little shock to him since he doesn't know that I know we're soulmates. But regardless of that, I had to try every possible way to contact him and my options were limited.

That's when it hit me. I've seen Laurens for the past couple of weeks coming into the office, speaking to Washington and leaving with a stack full of work to do. Since Laurens doesn't work here, I assume the work is for Alexander. Especially that much of it. Maybe I could get something sent to his house under Washington's name. Of course, with Washington's consent.

This morning, upon my arrival to work, I basically bulldozed my way to Washington's office.

"Sir, we need to talk."

《~Washington's POV~》

Jefferson came barging into my office, breathing heavily as though he ran all the way here. He had a look of panic on his face, urgency laced through his movements and he made eye contact that he refused to break. Through hard, shaky breaths, he announces "Sir, we need to talk."

"About what, Secretary Jefferson?" I offered him a seat, clearly seeing as he was tired from exerting so much energy just on his way to work. His eye contact never broke and almost instantaneously, I knew what was up. "Is this about Secretary Hamilton?"

He nodded, breathing just a little less heavy. "I noticed how Laurens comes here every week and leaves with papers." He stated, I suppose hoping that I would tell him more.

"Yes, for Hamilton. Laurens told me that he got into an accident and was unable to travel safely to work so he is homebound and has no other way to access work." I explained simply, not knowing exactly where this was supposed to end up.

"You never found that concerning, sir?" He seemed to relax a little bit and was breathing normally now.

"Found what concerning, Secretary?" I crossed my arms, curious of what he was to say next. He breathed in deeply. Exhaled accordingly.

"The fact that Laurens comes every time. The fact that Hamilton has not once contacted you about this matter. It's been weeks, don't you think he would've come up here at least once? Not only that, but did Laurens ever specify what injuries he had or what the accident was?" It almost sounded like he was on one breath and out of time.

He did pose a plethora of valuable points and it was beyond me why I had never thought of that before. Hamilton and I were close, so the fact that I had never questioned the fact that I did not hear from him or see anyone but Laurens was baffling. I sighed heavily.

"Yes, I suppose it's a questionable situation but what do you suggest I do?" He looked at me as though a switch went off in his brain saying "oh boy, you have no idea."

"I was hoping we could send a letter under your name to his place so that he could write back. I highly doubt that Laurens would feel suspicious of a letter sent directly from you." Jefferson's face was scaring me right now. sendhelp.

"Even better," I got up from my seat to comfort myself and divert my attention to anything but Jefferson's face. "How about we take a visit to his place when Laurens is out?" I saw Jefferson's face light up and a wide smile creep across his face. He got up from his seat.

"Alright! Thank you so much, sir! How about we discuss the plans further at lunch?" He was practically half way out the door.

"Yes, of course. Now go get to work." And with that, he rushed out the door.

《~Jefferson's POV~》

We were actually going to do something about all this. We were going to find out what was going on.

I was going to get the love of my life back.

-1308 words


Ik y'all told me to rest but I also told y'all that I was gonna get this chapter out so here it is. Of course, what was supposed to be 700 words turned into 1300+ someone kill me

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