Chapter Thirteen

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(This one's gonna be hella short)

《~Alexander's POV~》

They had left without a second thought..I was drowning in my tears and I feel fucking betrayed by everyone. Nobody made an effort to do anything. I was still in my room, soaked in tears, stacks of papers by my feet and a headache. When you cry this much, you get dehydrated.

Both Lafayette and Herc are good people though. They have to come back, right? They live here...but so does John and as long as they're gone, he's free to do whatever he wants.

And I can't hide. Every time I tried, he found me and I had to face the repercussions. None of it was new but that doesn't change the fact that it hurt like hell still. I could still hear the things he said just afterwards ringing in my head.

"When will you learn..." He would turn his back to me and scoff. "When will you learn that your actions have consequences."

If it wasn't for Lafayette I wouldn't be in this situation though. He was the one who was pushing me to just EMBRACE the fact that I had feelings for Thomas. He was the one who moved out and said he wasn't coming back until I did just that. Well, I did. I trusted my friend to do well with the news and here I am. Only having one way to end all of my pain and suffering.

Thanks a shit ton Laf.

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