Chapter Three

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《~Hamilton's POV~》

I felt this pang of guilt shoot it's way into my chest. Why would I have cared if Jefferson got hit once or twice? It never effected me and he kind of deserved it. Still, I didn't like the fact that it happened.

In swift movements, I got up from my seat, latched on to Lafayette's shoulder and dragged him outside. I disregarded the fact that there were windows and anybody from inside could see us outside.

At this moment in time, all of my sense completely escaped me. What little chill I had was completely gone right now. I was steadily yelling at Lafayette. Granted, the yelling wasn't out of character but what I was yelling about certainly was.

"Do you have any idea how dumb what you did just then was?" My eyes were burning through his. He knows exactly what I'm talking about, but the truth of the matter was that Laf was one of the people to play dumb.

"No," I told you. "I think that everything I have done is perfectly reasonable." His arms were crossed, clearly stating that he was in no mood to discuss this. Thing was, I wasn't really here to hear anything he had to say other than some reassurance that he wasn't going to do that again and that he was going to apologize.

"You created more of a mess than was necessary. It was out of character, not to mention uncalled for!" I shot back. I'm not sure if my words rested more on being worried about Jefferson or Laf. Actually, they rested on being worried about myself and the person running the restaurant.

Laf groaned and rolled his eyes, clearly seeing right through the bullshit. "Yeah, and why exactly are you taking up on Jefferson's side? You want to talk about 'out of character' so badly, then what is that?" His hands were now firmly placed on his hips. Well, I guess my conclusion earlier was disproven as well as seen straight through. Only thing is, I feel like Laf is taking this somewhere it doesn't need to go right now.

Where may that be? Well...

I've always liked Jefferson, but he never really seemed to catch on. Instead of trying to dig around in his pants like that, I did basically everything to try and drown that feeling. That ultimately resulted in the two of us arguing almost every time we saw each other, sharing dark glances from across the workplace, etcetera. So far, it hasn't worked and I think Laf has caught on.

"What are you gearing towards?" I ask, my determination to hide what I've previously mentioned. He'd definitely notice me trying to dodge the question like that.

"You know what? Until you figure this out and stop making all of your friends uncomfortable around you because of your clear interest in Thomas, I'll be staying elsewhere." With that, he stormed off around the corner.

It took longer than I wanted to realize what was happening, but it was far too late. I peeked around the corner and he was already out of sight.


-521 words

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