Chapter Five

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~Jefferson's POV~

When Laf said "some stuff" I thought he actually meant "some stuff." Not his whole room. Also, to point out the worse part, he had more stuff than everyone else he lived with. And Hamilton had a shit ton of things that he had collected and never threw away. Not only that, but for sharing a house with three other dudes, he didn't hold back on owning everything he possibly could and then some. It was absolutely insane.

You'd think he'd have more concern for where he was staying. Yeah, I'm a rich (I was about to type rich white kid smh) kid from Virginia who practically breathes trust funds but I still save my money. Therefore, I bought a small house near where I worked with two rooms and enough space to breath. There wasn't enough room to pack a mansion's worth of stuff and then have space for us to function normally.

Yeah, I could be over exaggerating but no one has actually seen what I have to go through at this time in my life.

After we had finished unpacking his stuff in the other room, I took the first chance I got to lay down in my bed and try to sleep. I put my phone on the nightstand next to me and turned over. My eyes slowly drifted closed until-


I never got the energy to turn that text to speech thing off and thats the first thing I hear after minutes of silence.

I lazily slopped over and grabbed at my phone loosely to look at the message.


I didn't recognize this number and it wasn't in my phone already. The text read "Do you know where Lafayette is, you piece of shit?" Now, I only know one person who would ever talk to me like that, even being his age. Well, granted, he's barely legal, but still.

I quickly replied "Sorry, who's this?" playing dumb and acting like I didn't know who it was. It would be a justified thought, since I'm not sure how he managed to get my number. I don't give it out to just anyone.

In the long wait for a response, I decided to change his contact name to "Orphaned Bastard." It was a fitting name since he felt the need to tell everyone his life story whenever he first got to the workplace.

Orphaned Bastard: Its Hamilton jeffershit

MacaroniN'Chez: I'm not familiar with a "Hamilton" do I know you from somewhere?

I can't explain to you why my name is the way it is, thats just how things were meant to be. However, I wanted to play around with Hamilton considering he was so easy to mess with.

Orphaned Bastard: You know who this is! We work on the same floor! Do you know where he is or not?

MacaroniN'Chez: Yeah, he's staying here with me. Why?

Orphaned Bastard: We got in a fight after he hit you and he was mad because I was defending you.

Orphaned Bastard: I mean...

Orphaned Bastard: I didn't say anything.

MacaroniN'Chez: You stuck up for me?

Orphaned Bastard: I hate you but I'm not heartless. What Lafayette did was out of line even for the shit you were doing.

MacaroniN'Chez: Yeah thanks love you too darlin

Orphaned Bastard: I'm coming over what's your address?

I told him my address and he never texted back. I attempted to get relaxed again, at least until the living embodiment of a headache came by. Instead, I just ended up thinking about the conversation we had.


-602 words

Okay so a couple of things have changed, such as the symbols surrounding the POV. Its because of this keyboard I downloaded. It doesn't have the other ones but I don't want to switch between keyboards just for that. If you like it let me know :P Also, it is perfectly 100% safe to text and or call the number. Just try not to do it in the middle of the night. Please. Also I'm so so SO sorry it took so long for this to come out, I've been hardcore testing all month. I still have finals and projects but I was craving to write so I put this quick thing up. Just a Lil filler chapter. Alright, I'll be on my way now byee

Edit: I changed my mind lolol

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