Chapter Fourteen

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《~Third Person POV~》

The group of 4 had left the little basement and got back into Washington's vehicle. Alex lived quite a ways away from where Washington resided but everyone already know that he was going to break at least 10 traffic laws on the way there. Why they didn't get the police involved sooner, the world may never know. Maybe it was for the best.

Washington rushed down the street, already disobeying the speed limit as well as doing a little sloppy maneuvering to get around the other cars in his way. Both Herc and Thomas hadn't had a chance to get their seat belts on, so they were in the back seat swerving from side to side, fearing for their lives.

Lafayette, in the passenger seat, was holding on to the sides of his seat, praying that his seat belt was enough to keep him from flying out the window, had anything happened to the car. The expressions were those of frightened cats or small kids who just witnessed a murder.

Washington had nothing but stern eyes and a small little smirk creeping across his face. If only I could tell you what was happening in his brain. I don't think you'd wanna know either way, in all honesty.

They had finally gotten to the front of Alex's house. By that time, the car had been scratched up and almost all of the trash bins on that street had been knocked over. How Washington got his driver's license will forever be a mystery.

As they other three started to leave the car, Washington shouted "wait!" Everyone became still.

"We can't just go barging into the house, what if John is in there?"

"Oh, and you just can't go breaking traffic laws and give us all heart failure." Thomas retorted.

Washington waved him off like he didn't just almost kill them and continued. "We're going to enter through the back. I want Mulligan to be the first one since he has a knack for breaking shit."

Mulligan mumbled "well shit, okay." and Washington proceeded to give off roles.

"I need Lafayette to be second so that whenever the back door gets broken through, he can go straight in and make sure the coast is clear. Just like you would during war, okay?"

Lafayette pulled his fingers out of the car seat and gave him an "okay!"

"Thomas, as soon as Lafayette gives you a sign you are going to promptly rush in and make sure that the rooms are all clear and that the front door is open for our quick escape."

"Sounds simple enough.." Thomas muttered.

"I don't want to hear a single gunshot and not see a threat or a dead body, do I make myself clear?" And almost like he were giving commands, everyone spoke a deep and hearty "yes sir!"

"Now get the hell out of my car." And with that everyone left and made their way to the back of the house.

Little did they know that they had a decreasing time limit.

《~Alexander's POV~》

I look out the window for what I was going to make my last time. I see a car that I've only ever seen back at work. I recognized it to be Washington's.

But even if, I know that he's not here for me and as soon as he realizes that no one is going to answer the door, he's going to leave. He's not here for me.

A voice in my head that I had buried for years (the voice of reason) suddenly started speaking to me again. I am going fucking insane.

Alex, they're here for you.

They who?

Thomas...Washington...Laf...and Herc

No, they're not they don't care about me. They won't even notice I'm gone, they evidently don't care that I'm not at work or outside of my room.

They do care, you piece of shit, that's why they're sneaking through the back door

And how the hell are you so sure, hmm?

If you would stop going insane and listen to someone else besides the voice in your head, you would hear them shuffling behind the house and banging on the door...

Just as he said that, the back door busted it's way open. Someone's here. But I honestly doubt that I'd be anywhere near safe, even if I got out of this situation, because John is still alive and well. He will find me and start this all over again. I'm not trying to relive any of this again.

I'm gonna make sure that I don't.

For some odd reason, I had a long piece of rope in my closet and I'm sure that it could support my weight on the ceiling fan. This not being my first rodeo, I already knew most of the steps to tying a noose. Now I just had to do it.

What in the everlasting fuck are you doing

Fixing my life

You know what, I'll let Thomas have that talk with you when he gets here, I can't.

And with that, I continued dealing with my own things.

《~Thomas's POV~》

Mulligan had busted the door down already and Lafayette was making the path clear for me.

This odd feeling in my gut told me that we had to speed up this process or something irreversible was gonna happen. I think I had an idea of what that irreversible thing was going to be..

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