Chapter Eleven

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A/N: I literally just got 360 (thanks y'all) so as I promised

《~Jefferson's POV~》

Just then, both Lafayette and Mulligan walked through the doors and rushed right over to us, seemingly dishevelled. They looked as though they went through hell.

"We aren't done with this conversation, Secretary Jefferson." He took his stern gaze off me as the two sat down, catching their breaths. They really had some issues either before heading here or while they were on their way. I guess I had to be polite and ask about it-

"So what happened?" I snapped back to reality (Oh, there goes gravity) and found the right words. Mulligan looked at Lafayette, who had sat himself next to Washington, and then to me.

"God, where do I start.." He started off. Now I knew this couldn't be good. I don't know him very well but I do know that 'where do I start' in his tone of voice means 'What bad news do I give off first'.

"Firstly, after Mulligan got home, he heard the sobbing. After closing the door, it only became louder in volume. When he started to walk towards me, the sobbing became hysterical crying. Laurens was not home at the time so Herc decided to knock on the door." Lafayette spoke softly, almost as though he was trying to keep himself calmed down. From what I've heard so far, I'm gonna need help calming down too.

"I asked if I could come in. I could tell that the crying had calmed itself and he was trying really hard to respond. It was mostly just choking, mumbles and occasional gargles of words that were hard to make out." Mulligan began to tap the table and shake his leg to where it was almost unnoticeable. This clearly made him uncomfortable.

"He kept trying to speak but nothing much came out. So I reached into the bag that I carry to work and got out a piece of paper and pencil" That's right, Lafayette told me that he was a full-time fashion designer. Makes sense. "I told him 'Mon ami, if you can, please write down what you are trying to say.' And I slid the paper under the door. He frantically reached for it and wrote down "is Laurens here?"" I glanced over to Washington, the other two followed suit, and he had a blank stare on his face.

You could tell that he was mad. His face was blank and almost emotionless but it was also stained red. He was pulling on his sleeves and staring at basically nothing. Almost as if he was trying to stop himself from doing something rash. It was kinda like what he did whenever he put Hamilton and I in the same room.

"Mon bon monsieur (my good sir), are you alright?" Lafayette seemed to scoot farther away from Washington, which was probably for the best.

"I used to be in the US militia. I brought the guns then, I can bring them again." He spoke standing up, Lafayette following soon after and moving out of his way.

"Whatever you're about to do, it's probably illegal." Mulligan said, also standing up.

"Yeah, but so is whatever Laurens is doing. Probably more so than what Washington has in mind." I stood up, feeling something bubbling up inside of me.

We all knew that Laurens was guilty of something, even if Lafayette and Mulligan never got the chance to finish what they were explaining. Laurens did something that made Hamilton afraid of the sound of their front door opening and closing, footsteps in his direction, speaking and, more importantly, him. We were going to make it our priority to find out the truth. At least, I was going to.

The therapy for this is gonna cost a shit ton though.


-625 words

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