Chapter Ten

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《~Jefferson's POV~》

Lunch came around a lot quicker than I had anticipated it would. I had previously been hyperactive and had barely been able to focus on my work. I was just too focused on making steps towards figuring out what Laurens wasn't telling us. Hopefully, it wasn't too bad but considering that Laurens, a usually trustworthy person, is hiding it, I can only assume it's of the worse degree.

At about 12:10, Washington knocked on my office door. It wasn't really my office, it was Hamilton's, but I felt inclined to use it since he wasn't. The cubicles get a little bit cramped to be in after a while, I needed a change of scenery. I got snapped out of my little giddy daydream and let out a "Come in!" towards Washington.

"I never thought I'd see the day where you would intentionally come into this office with only an intention to work." Washington opened the door and walked over beside me.

"Well, to be fair sir, I did propose that we find out what was up with Hamilton." I laughed a little, turning to face him.

"I suppose so." He returned a soft chuckle. "Well, we should be headed to the restaurant now before we run out of time." He placed his hand on my shoulder and squeezed as gently as he could, which still felt like a bear's death grip. We got up and headed downstairs and towards the restaurant. Specifically, the one I got sucker punched at.

One the way, I called both Lafayette and Mulligan, who were both surprisingly willing to come, so that I could explain what I thought was going on. Since they live with Hamilton, I figured they'd at least saw some odd things going on that could possibly help out with what we were dealing with.

What was weird but what Lafayette didn't really seem to acknowledge was the soft sobbing in the background of the phone call we had. I asked him about it and he responded "Friend, if Alexander doesn't cry, that's when we should be worried." and I brushed it off at the time because I was literally about to get run over crossing the street but now it's concerning me.

It was soft, as though it wasn't supposed to be heard. And yeah, it could be that he was a long ways away from the door but why would it pick up at all if that was the case? Maybe the door was closed or something. Anyway, that was a topic to be covered whenever everyone got here.

Washington and I sat down at a booth, the one that Hamilton and his squad did just weeks before, right across from one another. We both ordered our drinks. Him, being old and what not, ordered a water. I ordered a sweet tea because I'm young and southern. And gosh diddly, this place had some good sweet tea.

Our drinks arrived but Mulligan and Lafayette hadn't. This posed a problem. I didn't want to discuss the situation until all people involved, excluding Hamilton and Laurens, we're here. This kind of left nothing to talk about. Yeah, I could talk about things that I would bring up with James but this dude was my boss and I don't know if you know this, but, I care deeply about my job. I'm not about to lose it. That's second on the the list of things I don't want to lose today or ever.

So, we just kind of stared awkwardly at one another, occasionally glancing in other directions. I could tell that the waiters and waitresses thought we were deeply in love or deeply weird just by the way they would look at each other and then turn to a colleague and whisper. I don't think I wanna know what they whispered exactly.

"So, son," Washington paused, probably expecting me to exclaim "I'm not your son" (son just wanted to autocorrect to fault I'm crying) just like Hamilton would on any normal day. Evidently, though, this wasn't a normal day. "why do you suddenly care about Hamilton so much?" He took a swig (I'm love that word) of his water and stared deep into my soul. "before this week, you would've been celebrating the fact that he never came to work."

"Yeah, well, I guess some things are too good to be true." I laughed, trying to play it off. Was I really ready to just shout to the whole world 'ALEXANDER HAMILTON IS MY SOULMATE AND I LOVE HIM'? No, not really.

"You were in his office of your own will." He put hard emphasis on 'of your own will."

"It's not every day you get to just sit down in someone else's office and spill macaroni everywhere and not have them yell at you two seconds later." Who wouldn't believe that I, Thomas Jefferson, would purposefully spill macaroni in my enemy's precious workspace? Anyone without braincells, basically.

"Tell me what's going on or I'm gonna fire you for being untrustworthy." Damn.

I guess anyone with a status like his can see straight through bullshit.


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