Chapter Twelve

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《~Washington's POV~》

I had never been one to make rash decisions but it would happen from time to time. This might have been one of those times. Leaving that restaurant, fuming after hearing that Alexander is being terror-stricken by someone who we all thought could be trusted. It was intolerable.

We had all walked back over to the parking lot of the lawfirm, never dropping pace, until we reached my car.

"Where are we going?" Lafayette asked.

"My house." I responded, grabbing my key out of my pocket, unlocking the doors and getting in.

"Wait, you actually, 100%, have guns with you?" Thomas asked, getting into the passenger seat, almost worried about the fact.

"I've got my second ammendment rights, I'm gonna use them." Was the last thing I said before starting up the car and driving as fast as I could without breaking the law.

We had finally reached my house, in which case I told everyone to get out of the car and make themselves useful. They all followed me down into my locked basement and I uncovered all of every single gun I had manged to get my hands on in my 40 years of life.

《~Lafayette's POV~》

I am convinced that the only person here who has not used a gun is Thomas. For obvious reasons. Maybe not so obvious but still. He was not with us whenever we got drafted (that word as too many damn definitions) and lord knows that he was not fighting anyone or anything while he was abroad. I mean, no shade in his direction, I am sure that he is fully capable of handling himself in a situation like this.

After all, he is much bigger than both Alex and John. Far more intimidating than some of us. There is a possibility that he could do more with that than any gun. But then again, I am pretty sure that I recall John not being phased by Thomas in the slightest, which is odd. Compared to most people, though, John is not what you would exactly declare "normal" anyway, so maybe I was a little incorrect in my tellings.

Even if Herc and I had both been in the military, we were a little hesitant about choosing a pistol to just bust into Alexander's house with. For heavens sake, we lived there too. We don't want to ruin anything...

《Hercules's POV~》

I knew Washington was one of those people who always had always game plan but that doesn't necessarily mean that it's always a good game plan. I wanted to trust him on this but whenever you have four people waving guns around, about to run up to someone's place and shoot, you kinda have to wonder about what's going to happen.

I don't personally want to kill Laurens. Thomas might think otherwise. I don't even want him to get hurt. Washington might think otherwise. He doesn't even have to learn a lesson. Laf might disagree. I just want him to get locked up and stay there until Alex is safe and no longer has any ties with him. That's all I want.

Laurens is, or was, a good person. He had good intentions almost all the time and he never would've hurt someone he was closed to on purpose like this. I don't know why he'd do this to Alex in general. He was in love with the dude, for crying out loud. I've heard strongly of 'if you love' me let me go' but I've never heard a person say 'if you love me, beat my ass.'

《~Thomas's POV~》

We were all just frozen in that basement after grabbing a gun. Both Lafayette and Mulligan looked deep in thought, almost as if they were considering backing out. Maybe another course of action was safer and less likely to get someone killed but at a moment like this, nobody is really thinking about that. They're just thinking about the goal they have in the back of their mind, saying 'do it' repeatedly until they get the job done.

And that's exactly what we have to do.

Out of basically no where, both Lafayette and Mulligan say "We have to get the job done." There was something before that but I couldn't recognize what it was. They looked at each other, smiled, and then looked at both me and Washington. We all smiled at each other, for whatever reason, and then left the basement. Off to Alex's place.

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