Chapter Two

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《~Hamilton's POV~》

It came to the point where we had been talking for about 30 minutes. We lost track of time in the middle of the conversation, seeing as it became a lot more fun to talk to Madison as opposed to it being a chore. I did have a problem though; he brought up Jefferson a lot depending on what we were talking about. It's like physically, he was no longer attached to him but, mentally, they had been bound together by handcuffs and one of them lost the key.

Putting that aside, the others had been laughing and talking while I scampered off to the bathroom. It was a nice public bathroom that was almost never dirty because they'd clean it every 2-3 hours. Not many people come in here anyway.

To skip unnecessary details, I used the bathroom, washed my hands, and walked back to my booth. Well, I started to walk back.

I didn't get any farther than halfway before I noticed someone had made an appearance. A rather unwanted one, at that. Jefferson was standing at our booth, saying something. I wasn't bothered enough to listen because I know I would've started choking someone if I heard what he had said.

My feet wanted something else than what I wanted. The carried me straight over to the booth, where I took my seat and acted like I didn't see Jefferson. If he isn't the center of attention, he has no reason to be there so I started talking to everyone else.

"Hey, I know you're bad at everything, especially your job, but you could stand to have some communications skills. Especially for someone who talks so much." Jefferson lifted my chin and made me face him with a smile on his face.

It was one thing that he insulted my ability to do well at anything, but the fact that he had the nerve to touch me with those big, soft, ugly hands of his was another story.

You...didn't hear that from me...

But as much as I wish I didn't, I felt something weird. I know I didn't mention this, but that's simply because I didn't think it would ever apply to me. This is a world of soulmates and whatnot. If your Soulmate touches you, you'll feel something different than when some other person does. But it's only the after the first time that you touch that you can write to them. Sometimes you just had to keep trying to write to someone until they reply back. I've personally gone through this twice, with John and Lafayette, but their soulmates are other people. They haven't exactly figured that out yet though.

In any case, I doubt that Jefferson and I are soulmates. That's dumb. It's actually the worst thing that could possibly happen to me, and I work with Thomas Jefferson.

"Alex?" Fuck. I was staring. I went so deep into thought that I forgot about the situation at hand. I couldn't recognize the voice at the time, but I knew that I needed to get myself out of this situation.

I yanked my head in the opposite direction and shot back at his remark. "You comment about how bad I am at everything yet you can't even manage to get promoted at any job you get hired for." I glared at him. "You're like one of those people who is under qualified for McDonalds" I put emphases on 'McDonalds.' He sneered.

"At least I have friends who don't act like they're still in their infant years." Mulligan made a disgusted look at Jefferson and scoffed.

"You only hang out with James, what do you mean." He shot back, ready to get up and duke it out right in the center of the restaurant.

"Oh look, I've managed to anger the wild animal. Surprise surprise." Jefferson chuckled in one of the most adorable--shitty--ways possible. "Is there something you wanna do?" He got dangerously close to Herc, which he had to stretch over Lafayette to do.

Lafayette, being pissed off at this moment, violently pushed Jefferson back. "Look, balourd, it's about time that you leave because not a single one of us did anything for you to feel the need to come over here and être une petite merde" Lafayette didn't know a lot of the English translations for swear words, so he often switched back and forth from English to French. Basically, he called Jefferson a dumbass and a little shit.

"I think you're just mad because you think that's what you're supposed to feel. Following after everyone else, once again." Jefferson crossed his arms.

"Jefferson, that's crossing-" John was cut off by Lafayette standing up and slapping the living crap out of Jefferson. John looked as though he was trying to understand who was crossing what line at this point.

"I'm tired of you coming around us and acting like you're high and mighty when in reality, you are trash that takes enjoyment out of making other people who aren't on your side feel bad for nothing. We are all tired of it." Lafayette was furious. It wasn't everyday that you saw him like this, and when he did get pushed to this point it was like watching Herc on steroids. It isn't pretty.

A question that had been storming through my mind is "where are the store managers at exactly??" because nobody said anything and it seemed as though we were the only people in the building. Somebody should've been kicked out by now.

"Wow, somebody finally stepped up and learned how to do things on their own." Jefferson still had the audacity to say things like that while Lafayette was ready to stab him in the eye.

In swift movements, Lafayette had Jefferson's shirt in his hand and his hand balled up, ready to sucker punch the shit out of him. In one more movement, that's exactly what he did.

Words weren't exactly a thing to fix these problems anymore. Madison, probably previously in shock, quickly grabbed Jefferson by the sleeve and dragged him out of the restaurant.

I looked back at the other two and their jaws dropped. Their eyes all directed towards Lafayette, who was breathing heavy and had his fists still balled up at his sides.

Something about this situation didn't sit well with me. Looking at Jefferson get hurt would usually bring joy to me, but this time easy something different. It felt wrong. I mean, it was, but I couldn't help but feel like he didn't deserve it.

Lafayette sat down and began to take deep breaths to calm himself down.


-1110 words

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