Chapter Seven

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《~Hamilton's POV~》

I had arrived back at my own place, trying to recollect my own thoughts. I was still at a lost for why, exactly, I did what I did. Like, yes I liked him and I'd probably go as far as to say I loved him but maybe what I did was a little bit over the top? All I knew was that I wasn't going to do it again, no matter how nice it might've been.

But what got me the most was the fact the Jefferson...kissed back. He did it almost immediately like that's what he was trying to get out of that whole fiasco. But I feel like he also had mixed intentions. God, this whole thing is making my head hurt.

I went straight to the kitchen to get something to drink. I hardly notice Hercules on the couch looking directly at me, eyes filled with concern. I turned around to completely meet his gaze and silence was written between us.

"What?" I finally spoke up. He seemed to get knocked out of some sort of trance that he'd been put under.

"Where's Lafayette?" His voice grumbled and he never seemed to blink.

I was at a lost for what to say. I didn't know where he was. I wasn't just gonna say that I didn't know, either, because then he would know that, in my visit to his house, something went on between Jefferson and I. That was the last thing I wanted anyone thinking. Or finding out, rather.

"Uh, he went out. He wasn't there when I got there so I left." I turned back around and continued to drink, thinking that he would leave this alone. Unfortunately, my judgement was wrong and he continued to push this topic.

"So why'd it take so long, if you just left?" I could almost feel the vibrations of him getting up from the couch and walking over to the kitchen counter.

I could feel my palms become sweaty. I could tell that I was shaking slightly. Hercules was obviously making me nervous, but there wasn't much I could do about it without it looking suspicious. So I just stood there, back still turned to him.

"I got a little...lost." The only thing you got lost in was Thomas Jefferson's eyes. And suddenly my subconscious was playing around with me. Trying to get me to fess up, I'd assume. Of course, I was too smart to let it get to me but the urge was definitely there.

"Lost? Isn't his house a couple blocks down the street? And don't you have a phone with GPS on it? How dumb do you think I am?" Well shit. Just tell him what happened. Nobody is gonna think any less of you because it's just not possible. Wow. It's gotten to the point where even my subconscious is insulting me. I've hit a new low.

"Okay fine, I stuck around a little bit to see if Laf would come back around." I whipped around to face Herc, eyes still burning into me.

"If that was it, you wouldn't have lied in the first place." This...was frustrating. You either told him everything or you told him nothing, and very few times would you ever have told him nothing. He's too thoughtful to let very much slip by him.

"Fine, I had a little bit of a struggle with Jefferson but it's fine." I hadn't been paying attention but his gaze at shifted to my left arm. I quickly tried to hide it but I could already see the smirk forming on his face.

"So it's Jefferson, huh? That would explain a lot. I can also see what you mean by 'struggle'." He laughed to himself on his way to his room and before he got there I heard him retort, "struggle to get out of his pants." I was at such a loss for words that I didn't say much of anything. My face just heated up as I stood there reliving the moments from just a few minutes ago.

Suddenly, my phone vibrates and I pull it out of my back pocket, which I didn't realize it was in until now, and looked at it.


FROM: Jeffershit

Why in the hell would he ever text me after something like that?

The text itself reads as such:

We have to talk about this. Meet me tomorrow before work.

Was I actually going to listen to him? I mean, we work on the same floor. I couldn't exactly avoid him. Not to mention I pass by his house everyday, which barely came to my knowledge. I guess I had no choice.

-788 words

I actually uploaded like I said I would lolol. Good job on my part. Anyhow, I'm sorry if any of you text the number and there isn't much of a conversation. Anxiety is a bitch. Also, I want to input some Yandere John Laurens but I'm not sure how well that'd go. It's either that or I do Laurens x Madison. Or both. Anyhow I gotta go. I might update tomorrow but my next update day is Wednesday so idk yet.

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