Chapter Seventeen

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~John's POV~

I left the house, pretty much certain that nobody would make an effort to come for Alex. I din't think anyone was really aware that he was gone, anyway. They might've noticed a small change in the overall volume of their daily lives but that's nothing. As long as the rest believe that, everything is fine.

I went to the store because I ended up overfeeding Alex one day and ran out of food. It took about thirteen minutes for me to decide what to get for the both of us as well as Lafayette and Herc, seeing as they also lived there and would have to come home at some point. And Herc was always hungry so he always needed mass amounts of food.

I ended up taking my car, seeing how I didn't use it very much and I didn't feel like using the public transport. I needed to get back to Alex as quick as I could and the bus system is no the best for that. I couldn't possibly risk anyone finding out what was possibly wrong with him because of his incessant screaming and pleading for help.

So after receiving my receipt, I rushed back to my car and loaded it up. Just as I was about to close the trunk, I felt my phone vibrating in my back pocket. I slammed the trunk, kind of annoyed since this was nothing more than an obstacle to interrupt my tight schedule. I picked up the phone, not bothering to look at the caller ID. The voice I heard was nothing less of incriminating.

"Hello, Laurens?" Thomas spoke through the phone. There was a lot of coughing in the background but there seemed to be a barrier between him and the noise, as if he stepped outside just to call me.

"What is it, bitch?" I hissed back at him. He seemed indifferent to the response as he continued to speak.

"How long were you planning on keeping him in here? Until you practically killed him? Until he killed himself?" The tone of his voice was nothing short of disappointment and rage. Only the rage was somewhat diluted. I laughed.

"You've no idea what you're talking about. I was keeping him where he wanted to be. Before he 'loved' you, he adored and admired me. He wants nothing to do with you. Nothing at all."

~Thomas's POV~

I know he said exactly what I heard but I knew none of it was true. He was trying to get under my skin so I would leave Alex here for him to abuse and torture even further. I don't know about him, but I am further educated than that and I have zero intentions on allowing such petty words get to me. Alexander is #1 priority right now.

"If that's so then why is he here, sobbing for me to come back into the room? Why is he apologizing profusely to me for things that aren't his fault but he feels the need to because he wants my approval?" I was only examining what was happening in the room at the time. It's true that he was crying for me but considering that Lafayette and I could pass as twins who were separated at birth (on account of our different accents), I'm sure he knows what to do.

Silence befell upon the both of us for a minute and suddenly there was a beep. I looked at my phone. "Call Ended 5:03."

Someone's on his way home.

~590 words~


Hi! The format on this chapter is different because I'm typing it up on my phone. Also, I know I said that I would update on Wednesday and lookie there, it ain't Wednesday. I was having some minor little problems that are clearly gone now so SHUSH. If you didn't know, I set up my update days for Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. Whatever book I update, however, is completely up to me and is influenced by no one else. Most likely, it'll be this book though. OKAY, I'M OUT.

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