Chapter Four

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《~Lafayette's POV~》

I normally think in français but for this occasion, I will refrain. However, Alexander's tone of words and the incident with Thomas set me off. Yes, Thomas and I are distant relatives and it was wrong that I hit him the way I did, but what he said do you say...inexcusable.

Alexander, on the other hand, was way out of hand. Suddenly, his feelings meant that he had to completely nullify (I learned that word in history surprise surprise) his friends'. I understand having someone you like, but if you disregard your friends so that you may pursue your interest, that's connerie (bullshit). It's completely irrational.

Though, after walking off, I was a little bit concerned as to where I was to go. I said is be staying elsewhere, but where might elsewhere be?

Firstly, I could start with moving some of my things out. After all, it is only a temporary move. I was not planning on leaving and never coming back. I would grab about a months worth of clothes and what not and leave to...

Thomas's? I suppose it might be nice to get a little bit closer to him. We were not sure about how we were related, but we were. We just knew it. I mean, how else do you have someone who looks strikingly similar to yourself? I do not know how you would explain it, but I could actually not care less.

Anyhow, I had distracted myself so much with thoughts of moving in with Thomas that I found myself planted in front of his door, knocking on it. I had no idea how I had ended up here, when I ended up here, or what I would say if and when monsieur Jefferson answered.

"What is it?" He came to the door, ice pack stuck to his face.

Oh. I forgot that that happened...this is basically the reason I am here, how would I have possibly forgotten such a key factor?
Dieu, je suis tellement idiot comment quelqu'un peut-il me laisser vivre de cette façon-

"Lafayette, please say something, you're scaring me." Thomas seemed lighthearted about the situation. That put ease on my conscience. I smiled.

"I somewhat kick myself out of my own house" God, that sounded idiotic. Congratulations, you made a fool of yourself twice in less than 10 seconds.

"I see...?" Thomas looked as though he wanted to understand, did not understand, and decided not to ask about it.

" I came to ask if it was alright to bring some things over and move in with you?" I fumbled with my fingers, terrified of not having any place to go but home. I cannot handle humiliation very well.

"Of course, bud. I can't turn down a relative." Is it just moi or is a lot of my day consisted of mentioning our relativity?

We went back to my place to begin packing, which took quite a while.

《~Hamilton's POV~》

I don't know where he went but, boy, do I not care right now. I'm just mad at the fact that he left to begin with. I stormed back into the restaurant and took my seat.

"So what'd you fight about?" I turned to Laurens.

"How do you know we fought at all?" I tried to play it off like it was nothing. Of course, they all saw through me.

"Lafayette isn't with you anymore." Herc stated.

"And we saw you." Laurens laughed.

"Of course." I pouted, still hungry, but now pissed and unable to make much conversation.

-597 words

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