Chapter 1 - Vacation

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(Jeremy's P.O.V)

     Me and my brothers decided to take a nice vacation on the most famous Forest Park called "Forest Of Life" They say that there are beautiful plants and friendly animals there so we got interested and drove over there. We woke up around 4:00 AM in order to get there around 10:00 PM.

"Jeremy, are you ready?" Leo asked from the other room.

"Just a second" I replied, I wore a brown jacket, black leggings, white T-shirt, and a leather boots, "Ready.." I carried my bag pack and went downstairs.

"Oh, ready already?" Nucleo looked at me wearing her socks.

"Yeah, I want to sit down and relax after getting ready" I said sitting on the couch and putting my bag next to me.

"Do I look good?" Nulceo asked as she wears her boots and she stood up, she is wearing a jeans, light purple T-shirt, and a white jacket.

"Yeah" I smiled, I saw Leo and Zayne went down the stairs. They're both looking great.

"I think I look weird" Zayne sat near me, he's wearing a red checkered button shirt, black T-shirt, black leggings, and rubber shoes.

"Nah, you look great" I smiled at Zayne.

"Ok, everyone ready?" Leo said going outside, we nodded.

Leo unlocked his car and we got inside, Leo and Zayne is on the front seat, while me and Nucleo is on the back.

"I forgot to lock the house" Leo came out on the car and he locked the house, then he want back inside on the car and we drove off.

"So, since this is a driving-fun. Let's talk about something" Nucleo said.

"Sure" We all agreed.

"So, what's the topic?" Leo asked while he's driving.

"While I was on Facebook, I saw this picture of Slenderman getting nowhere" I said showing them the picture.

"While I was on Facebook, I saw this picture of Slenderman getting nowhere" I said showing them the picture

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"I also saw that too" Zayne said.

"Yeah, I saw Slenderman on my window when I woke up in the middle of the night" Leo said.

"Really?" Nucleo looked at Leo.

"No, I was joking" Leo laughed.

"Damn you" Nucleo laughed too.

(6 Hours Later)

     It took us 6 hours to get there, we talked to the guard that is eating some bread..


"Hey.. uh.. excuse me?" I said to the guard.

"Yes?" The guard looked at me.

"This is the park that is called Forest Of Life, right?" I said, "Is there a spare cabin for us?"

"Yes, please follow" He said opening the gates for us, we got our bags and went in, when we got in he closed the gates. We followed him.

"Here" He said, "It's a medium cabin for you four!" 

"Thanks" Leo said.

"Here's the key" He said, "Have a good day!" Then he left.

"No payment?" Zayne asked, "So, this is free for us?"

"I guess.." Nucleo said, "Well, let's fix our things"

"Sure" We agreed and fixed our things.

     There are 4 rooms for us and each has a bathroom, perfect. The kitchen is big and the electricity is working well.

"So, do you want to eat?" Zayne said.

"I'm full" I said, "You three should eat" I smiled and I went to my room.

"Tired?" Leo asked.

"Yep" I replied and I closed the door.

[What goes unseen is more terrifying than what is seen..] -Mermaid Swamp


(Every chapter should have around 500 words I guess.. <3)

(I play horror RPG btw. I completed the "Strange Men Series" The Crooked Man freaked me out XD!! I also completed "The Mermaid Swamp" and "Misao". The Boogey Man got me like 2 tries to get the good ending :) )


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