Chapter 8 - I'm Back..

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(Leo's P.O.V)

     My eyes were blurry when I opened them so I sat down while holding my head, what happened? Where is my younger brothers? Where am I exactly..? When my eyes went normal, I saw a bloody knife on the floor. I suddenly freaked out and crawled back, I looked around and I noticed the place.

"Why am I here?" I asked myself, "On the place where I was almost tortured.." I walked outside and searched for the cabin on where my younger brothers are. I found it. No one was outside, I guess they're all inside.

I opened the door and they stared at me, Zayne is lying down on Nucleo's lap. I saw Jeremy closing the door of his room, he also stared at me.

"What..what are you looking at..?" I asked them, "What happened to-" Before I could say anything Jeremy growled at me.

"Look what have you done to Zayne.." He said, "WHY DID YOU DO THAT TO HIM??!"

"Do.. do what??" My voice was trembling.

'What did I do??! I didn't did anything!!'

'Why do they look that.. they're angry at me..'


"Jeremy, calm down!" Nucleo shouted at Jeremy, "He doesn't know what happened to him!"

"I am a proxy of Slenderman! Ok??!" I said to Jeremy, "He can possess me whenever he wants!!"

"Possess..? WHY DIDN'T YOU TOLD US??!" Jeremy pulled up my shirt, ready to punch me. He was clenching his fist.

"I FORGOT OK??!" I said holding his arm that was pulling up my shirt.

"Are trying to play with me??!" Jeremy asked, "Do you want to taste my anger.. DO YOU??!"

"Jeremy, stop.." I heard Zayne's voice, Jeremy looked at Zayne then he looked at me .

"Fine.." He said putting me down and sitting down on the couch. When Zayne looked at me, he flinched.

"Why.. why are you here..?" Zayne asked me, "Don't go any closer.."

"Zayne please, I didn't know what happened to you.." I said walking to Zayne.

"I SAID DON'T GO ANY CLOSER" Zayne's eyes turned red by seconds and death glared at me.

"Jeremy, guard Zayne. I'll just talk to Leo" Nucleo smiled at Jeremy and he nodded, Nucleo grabbed my arms and we went outside to talk.

"I don't know what happened to you" Nucleo said, "You pinned me down on the floor and used a strong force on my nape causing me to faint"

"I really did that to you..?" I said and Nucleo nodded.

"Yeah, luckily I didn't died" Nucleo said, "Stay away from Zayne, he can hurt you.."

"What did I do to him..?" I asked.

"Well.. Jeremy told me that you covered Zayne's mouth and stabbed him on the left eye.." Nucleo replied, "Now Zayne changed.."

"What change..?" I asked Nucleo again.

"He became the shy one but he can show his side if you didn't followed his orders.." Nucleo said, "Now, things are happening to this place. I want to go home"

"Let's tell Jeremy" I said and Nucleo nodded. We went back inside and Zayne was eating a soup, and so do Jeremy.

"So, what did you talked about?" Jeremy asked.

"We should get out from this place, things are happening.." Nucleo said.

"Were going to pack our things tomorrow and leave" Jeremy said.

"Good" Zayne smiled at Jeremy.

[The TRUTH does hurt, but don't trick me with a LIE..]


(I suddenly know on what story should I write next lol. I'll just tell you on what is it at the end of the chapter <3)

(Yaoi sht story..)


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