Chapter 5 - Nightmare

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(Jeremy's P.O.V)

     I took a fast shower when I woke up and I ate a french toast with some creamy coffee, I heard some door opening so I looked at the entrance of the kitchen. It was Zayne.

"How's the game yesterday?" I asked him.

"I think I got a wound on my knee, I don't know that Leo can run that fast.." Zayne said pulling up his leggings and dabbing some Betadine on it then replacing it with a new band-aid.

(Betadine is like a healing thing, it's dark red but it doesn't hurt like the Alcohol does. You won't feel anything when it got to your wound..)

(~The More You Know~) 

"Leo is the second slowest right?" I said to Zayne and he nodded.

"Can I ask a question?" Zayne said.

"Sure" I said as I took a bite on the Toast.

"Don't say that you and Leo have their third-eye open" Zayne said as he put a hot water on his Ramen and sat infront of me.

"Oh yeah, I was born with my third-eye open. I don't know about Leo, I got used to see ghosts and such so I'm not scared.." I looked down examining the mug with creamy coffee, "But Slenderman.."

"But what? I didn't see him once so I kinda don't believe him.." Zayne said as he blow his Ramen and ate some.

"The Slenderman feels so real, he really grabbed my foot and it's slimy.." I said drinking my coffee, "Why didn't you saw him?"

"It was dark by the way.." Zayne replied, "So I didn't saw him.."

"I saw you looked at him, didn't you saw him?" I looed at Zayne and he shooked his head.

"No.." He said.

"Up already?" Nucleo came out of his room.

"Huh?" I looked at Nucleo, "Yeah, early breakfast"

"I guess I'm still full after the challenge yesterday.." Nucleo laughed and sat next to me, "I ate to many rice.."

"And you're not still fat? I know what you mean, you're just proud that you're not getting fat by eating anything" Zayne said, "Someday you will be fat"

"How rude of you" Nucleo laughed, "I have a weird dream by the way.."

"What is it?" I said to Nucleo.

"Well, it's about Leo.." He said, "I was just sleeping and he tapped me on the shoulders causing me to wake up, then I saw him with red eyes and he has a devilish wings with some spiked tentacle on his back.."

"Then?" Zayne looked at Nucleo.

"Then I ran out to my room, I saw you both dead on the ground so I decided to find the gate out of this park but it's locked with chains with different keyholes.." Nucleo looked down, "I woke up after that.."

"Oh..." I patted Nucleo's back, "It's just a nightmare, ok?" I said trying to calm her down.

"But.. it felt so real.." He said and I flinched.

'It felt so real..'

'Why did that got me..?'

"Hey, you suddenly stared at nothingness" Zayne said waving his hand infront of me.

"Ah? I'm fine.." I said.

"So, where's Leo?" Zayne asked.

"He's still sleeping.." Nucleo replied, "He's always getting up so early right?"

"Yeah, right.." I said looking down, clenching my mug.

[We are just like Mirrors, we can be shattered into pieces. Some pieces are FOUND and some are MISSING. Memories.. ]


(If u noticed that Nucleo is a girl, he is a boy. There is just some mistakes that I didn't noticed haha XDD)

(After this, I'll create a new story.. or maybe now... idk)


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