Chapter 11 - Wounded

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(Nucleo's P.O.V)

     He teleported me into a place that I don't know, he locked me up into a room. I screamed until I heard something popped out.

"What.." I looked at a long tank of gas, it's not just gas. Poison Gas.

"Crap, I need to escape.." I said, I used my jacket to cover my whole skin and to avoid being infected by the gas. I saw a window, I kicked it and it breaks. I jumped out and I fell into the floor. More Poison Gas.

(If you know "The Boogie Man" I got this scene there where David-Senpai fell under the floor and Keith-Senpai went to save him.. I have their ship name "Keivid" <3 )

     I saw a fabric on the floor so I also used that to cover me even though I have my jacket, I tried to find my way out but I think I'm stuck in a maze. I didn't give up, until I ended up on a metal door.. I kicked it a hundred of times and it fell down on the floor. I came out and run, I think I'm in a sewer. My sight blurred and I fainted.

(Zayne's P.O.V)

     I woke up with and I heard some running water, I groaned as I get up while holding my head. I fell so hard..

"Where am I?" I looked around and I'm in a sewer, "I need to search for Nucleo.."

I stood up and my legs are kind of weak so I fell down on the floor, I think the blood didn't flows to my legs. I can't feel it. It took me minutes to bring back the energy of my legs and I started walking. 

"I smell something unusual.." I said and I coughed, I saw a person on the ground so I ran to see it.

"Hey, are you ok..?" I carried the person to the place on where I fell away from the smelly thing, I removed the fabric around the person and it was Nucleo.

"Luckily he just sent you not too far away from me.." I sighed in relief.

"Ugh.." Nucleo woke up holding her head and coughing, "Zayne? How did you found me that fast..?"

"I guess he only teleported you on where I can found you" I replied, "What is that smell?"

"Poison Gas. It can almost burn your skin if you didn't cover yourself and it can affect your lungs.." Nucleo said.

"I'm glad that you're smart" I smiled.

"Ouch.." Nucleo said, "I think there's something in my right cheeks"

"Let me see it.." I said moving away his bangs and I saw a kind of a spread-like wound.

"I guess the gas got to your face.." I said.

"What..?" Nucleo touches his right cheek.

"Does it hurt when you blink?" I asked him, he blinked.

"A bit.." He replied.

"Let's just.." I said grabbing the handkerchief on my pocket and wrapping it on her cheek covering her  right eyes.

"It feels a kind of better.." He smiled, we stood up.

"We need to get out of here.." I said.

"I know, the gas will spread inside this sewer" Nucleo said.

"That wasn't I was thinking but yeah" I said and we went out to fine the exit of this sewer/

[I'm still happy seeing with with another girl..]


(If u noticed dat this chapter was short I told u only 500 words lol)

(This Bendy the little midget)

(And this is drawn by "Thegreatrouge" she's still my senpai for over 1 year XD)

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(And this is drawn by "Thegreatrouge" she's still my senpai for over 1 year XD)

(And this is drawn by "Thegreatrouge" she's still my senpai for over 1 year XD)

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(He's so hot :l )

(The fangirls will kill me c: ) 


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