Chapter 20 - No More..

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(Jeremy's P.O.V)

     Tomorrow came and everything is normal as usual, I saw Zayne was sitting at the grass while eating some chips.

"Morning, Zayne" I yawned and sat next to him, "I don't notice some paranormal experience since George possessed you, right?"

"Yeah" He smiled, "Glad about that"

"Anyone care for a party tonight?" Celeste suddenly got behind us, I saw Zayne flinched so I laughed a little.

"We're already awake and planned for a party later night" Star said, "So, do you agree?"

"Sure, why not?" Zayne smiled.

"IT'S GONE!!" I heard Nucleo's voice on his tent, he came out of his tent and there's no fabric on his right face.

"Gone, what?" I looked at him.

"The weird wound on my cheek is suddenly gone!!" He sat next to me,  "I'm so happy!"

"Really?" I moved his bangs and it's really gone, I'm so glad about it.

"The proxy sign on my back is also gone!" Leo said, Celeste looked at him and looked at his arms. It's also gone.

(The proxy sign of Celeste is on his arms right?)

"So that means that HE'S gone?" I asked them.

"I guess, but let him rest in peace" Leo said, "With his family"

"I know" Celeste said.

"Did you also got to his Mansion?" Zayne asked Celeste.

"Mansion..? No" He laughed, "I just jumped on the walls while he's chasing me and I ended up on the road"

"Oh.." Zayne looked down, "I swear I will never have a vacation on a forest like that, ever again"

"Same here" Leo smiled.

"Let's cook our breakfast, shall we?" Star said and we nodded. After that, we played some Golden Touch/Ice Ice Water,

(They're just the same game, you can walk when the tagger is not there. When the tagger caught you, you should freeze. If you didn't, you're the next tagger)

"So, Zayne is the tagger" Nucleo said, "He's a fast runner so you should be also fast"

"Yup" Zayne said proudly.

"Confuse or trick him" I whispered to Nucleo, "Pass it to others"

"Sure" Nucleo said, when she's done passing it to others we started running away.

"How can we confuse him?" Star asked while running.

"Well, while he's chasing one of us.. one or two should be behind him. And when he turned around, start running away or trick him" I replied.

"Good one" Star said.

"HELP ME GUYS!!" Leo said while he's trying to run away.

"I'm also a fast runner, I'll confuse him" Star said, and I nodded. While Zayne is chasing Leo, Star suddenly ran infront of Zayne making him to be slower.


"Sorry then" Star laughed and Zayne started chasing him.

"Oh.." I found Celeste up on the tree resting, "Why are you up there?"

"Want to get up with me? Not in a romance way or something" He said, I nodded and now were both together up on the tree.

"Lazy to run?" I asked him.

"Yep" He replied.

"Are you a slow runner or a fast runner?" I asked him again.

"Both" He said laughing, "You?" 

"Both also" I smiled.

     After the Golden Touch game we ate some lunch and played a lot of games, Including "Pass The Paper"..

(The rules on that game is on "Sweet Change" )

When the nightfalls, we started up a party and I noticed that everything went back to normal. I wonder what happened to George and SlenderMan. I wish that they already rested in peace..



(I Hope you enjoyed this SlenderMan story!! I'm creating a Bendy x Reader right now, so please read!!)



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