Chapter 3 - Leo's Missing

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(Jeremy's P.O.V)

     I woke up in the afternoon, I went into the kitchen and I saw Zayne, Nucleo.. Where's Leo..? I sat infront of Zayne and they were quiet.

"Why are you so quiet..?" I asked them.

"Leo is missing" Zayne replied, I flinched and stared at Zayne. He kidnapped Leo.. He did kidnap him.

"We were out playing Hide and Seek outside, now far away from here. Until he went missing.." Nucleo buried his head on his arms and cried.

"We'll search for him" I said standing up.

"No, you woke up at the wrong time" Zayne stopped me and I looked on the clock.

- 6:00 PM -

"I know, I slept too long. But I will search for him" I went to my room and grabbed a simple knife. I hid it on my pants and went out.

"I'm coming!" Nucleo said.

"No, I don't want you to get missing.." I smiled at Nucleo and left.

"Wait" Zayne said, I turned at him.

"Be careful.." He added, I smiled at him and left.

I went outside to search for Leo, I shouted his name and there was no response. Wait, if there's no response and it's still early.. Are we the only one who is in this park..? We have no neighbors? I ran to search for a near cabin but nothing.

"It's getting late" I looked up, "But I won't stop" I said. I touched my pants and my knife was still there.

"Where's the flashlight?" I searched it on my whole body and there's no flashlight, "I left my flashlight and only grabbed a knife.. idiot.."

I tried to find my way back home to the cabin I saw our cabin so I ran to go in there, I noticed that it wasn't our cabin at all. I knocked in.

 I knocked in

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"Hello..?" I said, "Someone in here..?"

No response, I looked at the window and at a rock.


I threw the rock on the window so it broke I slowly went in and it was like..


"Hello?" I said, I checked all the drawers if I can find something good I saw a small flashlight. There was still batteries in it so I sighed in relief, I decided to explore the whole cabin but nothing useful that I can get.

"Time to search for my home I guess.." I turned around and I saw him, staring back at me.

" I turned around and I saw him, staring back at me

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(Such huge picture)

"AHHH!!!" I screamed and ran away passing him by, I kicked the door and it opened.

"FORGET HIM, HE'S DEAD" He said in the loudest annoying sound ever, I still ran away. I finally saw our cabin, I saw Zayne was on outside sitting on the chair and drinking some coffee.

"ZAYNE!!" I shouted while crying, I suddenly got tripped on the ground by something holding my foot. It was pulling me, I was trying to hold on the ground but I was still slipping.

"JEREMY! I THOUGHT YOU'RE MISSING TOO--" Zayne's eyes widened as he saw me being pulled by Slenderman.

"GET OFF!!" I said pulling the knife out on my pants and throwing it to Slenderman, it stabbed his shoulders.

He screamed really loud and teleported somewhere. 

Zayne ran up to me and helped me to get to my room.

"Did you saw him??!" I asked Zayne.

"Saw what..?" He asked.

"Slenderman! He was just pulling my leg!!" I looked at Zayne, he made a confused expression.

"I didn't saw him, someone was pulling you into the dark" He said.

I just looked down and sighed.


(500 words only! Lol! I don't know if this scares you..)

(But if you did, I'm sorry XD)


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