Chapter 19 - Celeste's Brother

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(P.S: Jeremy, Leo, Zayne, Nucleo, Celeste, and Star is my OC)

(I have a sketch of then but I'm too lazy to show you all XD )

(Jeremy's P.O.V)

     After the swimming we went to sleep and when I got to my tent I saw Leo sleeping on my bed. I just smiled and slept next to him.


     I opened my eyes and I heard someone talking outside so I decided to peek from my tent. I saw Celeste talking to a teen-age boy that have a white hair with sky blue tips, his eyes is pink and he have a king of a shooting star tattoo on his cheeks.

"Uhh.. there was a loud earthquake so your house got destroyed, I got the things that you needed" The boy said showing a bag with some things on it.

"Did you forget my family picture?" Celeste asked.

"No, why would I forget that?" The boy said pulling out a picture frames. Seems so old.

"Nothing, I thought you forgot about our parents.." Celeste sighed.

"How did they die again..? I have a poor memory" The boy laughed.

"Well.. Our Father died from a extreme heart attack while our Mom died from blood loss.." Celeste replied, "It feels like they're around us, protecting us even though they're already dead"

"I know" The boy said rubbing Celeste's back. If they have the same parents.. is this Celeste's brother?

"We haven't seen like for years" The boy added laughing.

"Yeah, I know" Celeste also laughed. I was yawning until something came into my nose causing me to sneeze and Celeste looked on where my tent is.

"I see you, come on.. I will introduce you my brother" Celeste smiled, I came out on my tent and sat next to Celeste.

"This is Star, my brother. I'm 17 and he's 19" Celeste said.

"You are his friends?" The boy named Star asked me, "Cool then, I never see my younger bro became friends with a female person like you"

"Female? Me?" I pointed myself and he nodded.

"Yep, don't say that you're a boy.." Star said and I nodded slowly.

"Most people often mistook me and Nucleo as a female" I laughed.

"Party?" Nucleo came out of her tent and sat next to me, "Oh? Who this boy might be?"

"Star, Celeste's brother" Star smiled at Nucleo, "Let me guess, you're a boy"

"Who told you that?" Nucleo looked so surprised.

"Me" I laughed.

"Morning guys- HOLY MOTHER OF- " Zayne came out on his tent and suddenly surprised.

"What?" Star looked at Zayne, "Oh.."

"Zayne and I are just going to talk" I smiled and I went to Zayne, "Why do you looked so surprised..?"

"I just dreamed of the same guy.. that is next to Celeste.." Zayne sighed.

"Star? Why?" I looked at him.

"Well, it was a nightmare. I was sleeping on the woods and I saw him with a black eyes.." Zayne said.

"Just.. forget it ok? If it continues I will talk to Star" I smiled and Zayne nodded, "Change subject.."

"So, where can we get some fire wood?" Zayne asked.

"Oh, wait. Guys! Let's eat some breakfast shall we?" I said and they nodded, I saw Leo was talking with Celeste.

"I'm going to get some firewood" Zayne said leaving.

'Those two brothers look so innocent but they have powers like us..?'

'No, this is a nice camping... I need to enjoy it..'

[There's a time that I will break free from this pain and forget you at the same time..]




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