Chapter 9 - Stuck Inside

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(Jeremy's P.O.V)

     We packed our things and I felt guilty on what did I just did to Leo, I'll go apologize to him because I was stressed at that moment..

"Ready?" Zayne said and we nodded. We closed the door of the cabin and went to search for the gate outside. It was foggy so we struggled on finding it.

"There it is!" Nucleo pointed a huge gate and we ran to it, "Now.." He was trying to open the gate but it was locked.

"The guard isn't here.." Leo said and I looked at him.

"We need to seperate to find the way out, we'll call each other" I said, "Nucleo, you go with Zayne and I'll be with Leo"

They agreed on the plan and we went on our way.

"Hey Leo" I looked at Leo.

"Hm?" He replied.

"Sorry on what did I did to you yesterday.." I said, "I was stressed and such.."

"It's fine" Leo smiled.

"Did I slapped you very hard..?" I asked him and he shooked his head. We laughed.

     After hours of walking we saw someone walking, it's not Nucleo or Zayne. It has a black hair wearing a white shirt and a black jeans.

"Hey, maybe we can call for some help" I said running towards the man but Leo stopped me

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"Hey, maybe we can call for some help" I said running towards the man but Leo stopped me.

"It's Slenderman.." Leo said.

"Slenderman..? Where? I don't see him around.." I said, Leo was looking pale so I got worried, "Hey, what's wrong..?"

"Don't come any closer to that guy.." He said, "It's Slenderman.. trust me.."

"How..?" I asked him again and he face-palmed.

"I Am a proxy of Slenderman, now do you trust me??" Leo said.

"Ok, ok. Calm down" I said.

"Hi there, Child.."

"RUN!!" Leo said and we both ran, when we looked back while running he disappeared.

"Ok, stop.. I don't feel him anymore.." Leo said and I sighed in relief.

"Wait if you feel Slenderman and he's not here, where is he..?" I looked at Leo.

"Maybe he's around Nucleo and Zayne.." Leo said, he looked at me and ran to find them.

"HEY WAIT!!" I shouted and followed him.

(Zayne's P.O.V)

     Nucleo and I saw a another gate, it's locked but we can climb up and go to the other side. Not on the Entrance Gate, there's some spiked metal above and it's tall.

"Who's first?" Nucleo looked at me.

"Well, me.." I said, "I'm kind of strong so when I got inside I will help you get up" 

"Good idea" Nucleo said. I got on the other side and helped Nucleo. 

"That was fast" Nucleo said smiling at me, I smiled back.

"Now, where are we exactly..?" I looked back and I saw a Mansion. 

"A Mansion

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"A Mansion..?" I added.

"It doesn't look so abandoned, right?" Nucleo looked at me.

"Kind of. Care to explore inside?" I asked Nucleo and he nodded.

"Maybe we can find something useful" He said. 

     We went to the Mansion, the door can be broken when kicked so I kicked it. It's old but why is it here? There's no other Cabin nearby, this is the only one that I saw around..

[Don't say GOODBYE. Because GOODBYE means GOING AWAY and GOING AWAY means FORGETTING..] -Sad Anime Quotes


(I suddenly realized on what did I do to the number of the chapters. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 XD)

(I thought there's smth wrong with my Wattpad again lol)


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