Chapter 13 - Planning..

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(Jeremy's P.O.V)

     I was still sitting near on the canal until Leo came back with a rope and a crowbar, he tried to remove the metal bars on the canal but it only opened a little.

"Where did you got the rope and the crowbar?" I asked him.

"I found a nearby cabin" Leo said as he throw away the broken crowbar.

"THE GAS IS SPREADING HERE!!" Zayne shouted and I heard his cough.

"I won't let them die.." I said strongly kicking down the metal bar and it broke.


"They'll avoid the metal bar, right?" I looked at Leo and he gave me the rope, I dropped the rope on the canal while Leo is holding the near ends of the rope.


"TRUST ME!!" I shouted, Nucleo pulled the rope meaning Leo can pull it up so he did. Nucleo was the first one then Zayne.

"Are you ok??" I asked Zayne and he nodded coughing.

"Nucleo has a wound on his cheek" Zayne said, we looked at Nucleo and he has a black fabric wrapping his right face so Leo pulled it off.

"What is it now?" Nucleo asked and Leo looked back puking.

(Leo has a Tropophobia, right? )

"Oh my God.." I said, "You cheek.."

"It didn't spread but looks like you have a weird wound.." Zayne said.

"Take care of Leo, he have a Tropophpbia" I said and Zayne nodded calming Leo down.

"Do I look weird..?" Nucleo asked.

"No.." I replied putting a new fabric to cover her right face, "You just have a weird wound"

"What does it looks like..?" Nucleo asked again.

"It's kind of fresh red and it has little holes on it.." I said.

(I don't want to add a picture. There's some people who have a Tropophobia)

"Oh.." Nucleo sighed.

"This is getting to dangerous" Zayne said.

"What? Why?" I looked at him.

"My left eye is blind, Nucleo has a weird wound, and Leo have a SlenderMan sign of proxy on his shoulder, you don't have any wounds yet.." Zayne replied.

"Let's stay at the cabin" I said and they nodded, we got into the nearest cabin that Leo found earlier.

"Where's your things?" Nucleo asked and we dropped them into the sofa, "Oh, perfect.."

"This cabin looks kind of old.." Zayne said sitting on the couch and so do Leo.

"You three experienced some kind of things.." I said, "And I'm not.." I sighed sitting on the couch.

"Maybe he's waiting for you to find him for revenge" Zayne said with Leo sleeping on his lap, "He's just playing with us, he wants you to fight him so you'll be dead"

"Why did you thought of that?" Nucleo asked sitting on the couch.

"Because I watch a lot of horror movies. The main character always fights the things and some died, and some luckily lived.." Zayne said, "Don't fight him"

"Why?" I asked.

"Make him to fight you, not you to fight him" Zayne said, "You'll be tired on searching for him and it just wastes your energy"

"Yeah, he's just playing with us" Nucleo said.

"So, how can we defeat him..?" I asked again.

"I guess I know how.." Zayne said.

[When you're feeling so down and you looked around. You noticed that there's no shoulder for you to cry on..]


(There are two people that is following me! I want to reach on 1k or 100 followers! <3 )

(I want to achieve my dream to be a great Author!!)


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