Chapter 7 - Changed By Fear

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(Jeremy's P.O.V)

     I noticed that we were in a old underground house, why is it on the underground? Zayne and I decided to explore the house and we saw some blood on the floor so we followed it. It lead us on a abandoned bathroom and there's a chair on the middle.

"Why there is a chair?" Zayne asked.

"I don't know.." I suddenly heard a door opening somewhere so I hid inside the cabinet and Zayne hid in the other cabinet.

"Where are you...?" I hear Leo's voice so I closed my mouth, I was breathing heavily in fear.

"Oh? I hear you Jeremy" He said so I tried to be silent as possible.

Few minutes later, Leo left. I slowly peeked outside to make sure that he really left, he did. I crawled out as silently as possible. Zayne didn't came out so I checked Zayne on where he was hiding.

I saw blood drops on the floor..

When I looked up I suddenly flinced and saw Zayne was holding on his left eye, his hands was so bloody and so do his cheeks

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When I looked up I suddenly flinced and saw Zayne was holding on his left eye, his hands was so bloody and so do his cheeks.

"What.. what happened..?" I asked him tearing a fabric on my shirt and wrapping it around his eyes.

"When I.. I was hiding.." He coughed a bit, "He saw me.. he puts his hand on my mouth.. He pulled out a knife and stabbed my.."

"Don't continue.." I said worriedly, "Let's go back home.."

"What if he finds us..??" Zayne was so scared, he clenched my arms. He was shaking.

"Calm down.." I said rubbing his back. We stood up and came out from the underground, Zayne sat for a minute trying to stop the bleeding.

"My sight is blurry.." He said, "And not it's.. not.."

"It's ok.." I said tearing another fabric on my shirt and wrapping it around Zayne's eye.

"Let's go home.." Zayne said, I nodded.


     When I got home, Nucleo wasn't in the floor anymore. I got inside and placed Zayne on the couch, I searched for Nucleo and he was on his room. He looked at me and he was holding a knife.

"WHO ARE- Jeremy..?" Nucleo cried, he ran up to me and hugged me.

"Are you ok?" I hugged back and he looked at me.

"My neck and head was hurting when I woke up so I layed down on the floor for like 5 minutes.." Nucleo said.

"Well then.. Get a Aid Kit" I said going out on the room, Zayne was really silent looking down on the floor.

"Zayne..?" I sat next to him when Nucleo came out on his room holding a Aid Kit, his eyes widened when he saw Zayne.

"Are you ok??!" He placed the Aid Kit on my lap and went to Zayne.

Zayne just nodded in response, I guess he got traumatized.

"It's still bleeding.." I said and I healed his wound on his eyes, "Luckily you have your bangs that is covering your wounded eye.."

"I know.." Zayne said, he sounds so different. Not that Zayne that I found serious and kind of rude, he is like the shy type..

[Bullies just bully people because they don't want to be the victim. They can't face up for themselves..] -David Hoover  -SandMan


(I told u I play Horror RPG's lol... I'm not good at Horror Stories so yeah..)


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