Chapter 6 - Possession

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(Zayne's P.O.V)

     After we ate some breakfast we went outside to grab some fresh air, Leo's still asleep.. We talked some things and admired the nature that is infront of me. I suddenly the door suddenly opened and I looked back.

It was Leo.

"Oh, Morning Leo" Jeremy smiled at him but Leo didn't gave any expression, "Is there something wrong..?

"Nothing" He said sitting next to me, he's not warm or so.

He's so cold.

"Umm.." I looked at Leo, "Why are you so cold? It's Summer today.." I said.

"Hm?" He looked back at me, "What do you mean that I'm so cold?"

"Don't say that you're changing the subject, tell me.." I said seriously.

"It's hot today, I even woke up sweating" He said, I looked at his face. Yeah, it's really sweating but why is he so cold? I feel it.

"Maybe it's just you, Zayne" Nucleo said.

"I feel it ok?" I stood up and went inside on the house, when I passed Leo I feel like he's watching my every move. I grabbed a knife from the kitchen and hid it on my pocket and went back outside with the others.

"What did you do? Calmed yourself down?" Jeremy said to me, I sighed and nodded.

     I feel Leo's atmosphere is getting as cold as ice and he suddenly pinned Nucleo down on the ground, Jeremy walked away.

"LEO!! WHAT IS-??!" Nucleo shouted, Leo puts his hand on his nape and used a strong force causing him to faint. I ran to Leo and pushed him away from Nucleo, then I pinned down Leo on the ground.

"WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING??!" I shouted at Leo and he let out a laugh, I just stared at him, "WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING??!"

"What do you think the reason on why Am I laughing..?" He laughed once more and I punched him on the face.

"That line and voice.." Jeremy's voice was trembling in fear, "STAY AWAY FROM HIM!! NOW!!" He shouted.

"What? Why?" I looked at Jeremy.

"JUST STAY AWAY FROM HIM!!" He shouted again and I quickly ran up to Jeremy.

"What is your problem? I was supposed to calm him down!" I said angrily to Jeremy.

"He's not Leo ok??! He's possessed.." Jeremy said and I looked at Leo.

"Do I look like I believe on what you are saying right now?" I said and Jeremy face-palmed.

"YES. NOW DON'T LET HIM CATCH YOU" He death glared at me.

"Ok ok.." I said.

"Let's play a tag game shall we?" Leo said in a devil voice, "I'll be the tagger, I'll give you chance to run.. and hide.."

"The game begins.." He said and I felt someone is touching my chest, "NOW.."

When he said now I felt a strong energy on my chest causing me to fall down, Jeremy also fell down so he felt the pain.

"Don't waste time.." Jeremy looked at me, "Whatever you do, don't seperate with me.."

"Ok" I nodded, we ran together and I fell on a hole.

"Ow.." I touched my foot, "I think it's sprained.."

"Come on.." Jeremy groaned and he accidentally slid down on the hole with me. We got into a underground place.

"It hurts a lot now, thanks to you.." I rolled my eyes.

"Your welcome" He replied.

[Life is just a game. That we will never understand..]


(Please let this up to 20+ views! I'm satisfied if that happened in this story <3)

(If u noticed that this is short I told u only up to 500+ words lol)


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