Chapter 18 - Everything's New

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(P.S: I'm going to continue this until on chapter 30 or 50 c: !! And yeah, this is like the "Story 2" of this story) (Going to end this on Chapter 20!!)

(Read the Sweet Change first before reading this to know the characters!! Emo is my sister's OC c; )


(Jeremy's P.O.V)

     I got home from school and I saw Celeste outside watering the plants in the garden, I smiled at him and fixed all my things in my room.

"Hey Jeremy" Leo looked at me.

"What?" I said as I fix my hair into a ponytail and some bangs fell down on my face.

"I heard that you and Emo is on a relationship" Leo nudged me.

"WHAT??!" I blushed, "WHO TOLD YOU THAT??!"

"The one and only.." He said, "NUCLEO!!"

"You called?" Nucleo came out of her room.

"Nucleo" I looked at him, "How did you found out that Emo and I is on a relationship??"

"I just heard over the walls!!" Nucleo laughed.

"..Damn you" I groaned and went to the kitchen to drink some water.

"It's not bad to love someone!!" Zayne said coming out of nowhere.

"I know but.." I sighed putting the water back to the fridge, "This is just my first time loving someone.."

"Gay?" Celeste came in wiping his head with his handkerchief.

"It's not" I said, "He just thought that I'm a female person, that's all"

"Awe!" Nucleo said.

"What..??" I looked at her.

 "Nothing!!" He giggled.

'Two Years.. HE'S not bothering us anymore..'

'In all of the things that I can think of, why this..?'

'Nevermind that..'

"Sure!!" They agreed.

"Wait, what are you guys talking about??" I looked at them.

"Huh? You were spacing out earlier?" Celeste laughed.

"Yeah I guess?" I shrugged.

"Were go camping today!" Leo said, "But not in that place anymore.."

"I know.." Zayne sighed, "Now, let's pack!!"

"Got it!" We said and started packing things.

"I have no school for 1 week so it'll be fine" I said, "So, where are we camping?"

"Hills Of The Forest" Zayne said, "Not woods but forest"

"Good then" I said.


     We are silent, I was looking out on the window until something flashed on my eyes and I screamed a little, they all looked at me.

"Anything wrong?" Celeste asked.

"Yeah" I faked my smile and they became silent again.

'Don't say that he's back again..'

'I'm scared..'

"I know" Zayne looked at me, Zayne was sitting next to me and smiled, "I feel what you're feeling"

"Feeling what??" I said.

"Him" Zayne said and I just nodded in response.

"Here we are!" Celeste said, "We are going to find a camping place with some near water source" 

"Okay" Leo said. We parked our car and carried our things.

(I know that there's no parking lot but I nailed it)

"Here" Zayne said as he's already fixing his tent near on a waterfall lake, "This is good, right?"

"Yeah, let's fix our tents first before we jump to the water" Celeste said, we nodded and fixed our tents.

"Partners or individual?" I asked Celeste.

"Your choice" He smiled and I smiled back, I heard someone jumped into the water and it was Zayne.

"FIRST!!" He laughed.

"SECOND!!" Nucleo jumped in and they splashed each other.

"WAIT FOR ME!!" Leo said also jumping.

"Aren't you going to join them?" Celeste asked.

"Of course, I will" I suddenly pushed him into the water and so do I.

"JEREMY!!" Celeste laughed and we played with water.

[Accept that you can't escape the reality, just go through it..]

[And fight..]


(Is it hard to get into a ranking position? Can someone tell me if it's hard to get into da rank?? THANKIES!!! <3 <3)


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