Chapter Twenty-Five

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Song: Who You Love-John Mayer ft. Katy Perry

"Now, I know you two aren't children but please just...keep it down." Liz warned, pointing her finger in Elliot and I's direction.

    "We promise. Sex isn't completely off the table, though, right?" Elliot joked and kissed my cheek. I shoved him, my cheeks heating up as I looked up at Liz.

    "Trust me, I want grandkids but I won't be woken up in the middle of the night." She winked before walking out of sight. Elliot and I had settled in to the guest room in silence as the sky turned dark. Their house was remarkable, almost bigger than my mother's. I knew they weren't trying to show their money off like my family and that gave me more reassurance than anything. Elliot's family was perfect in every way and I was beyond jealous. I wanted a normal family that joked and picked on one another.

    "So, what do you think?" He asked as he shut a drawer to the dresser.

    "I love them, E. They're all great." I smiled, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

    "And they love you, just like I said they would. I don't know why you doubt me." He shook his head, giving me that lopsided grin I love so much.

    "I wasn't doubting you! I was just nervous, is all," I felt my cheeks heat up and looked away from him, hoping he wouldn't notice. Once our bags were unpacked, Elliot pushed me down on the bed with a smile on his face. He pinned my arms above my head as his lips left kisses along my jaw and neck. He was going to be the death of me. "E, Your mother said-"

    "I don't care what she said." He huffed, pressing me deeper into the mattress. To say I wasn't turned on would be a big lie, but there was no way I was going to have sex in Liz's home. A make-out session wouldn't be completely out of the options, would it? I sighed and pulled his mouth to mine, kissing him with such an urgency I didn't know I had. His lips moved perfectly with mine as we rolled around the bed, giggling like complete idiots. His hands rested on my butt as my fingers ran through his messy hair, loving how soft it seemed. Why did he have to be so damn perfect?

    Once Elliot took a cold shower and saying it was my fault, we were sitting in the living room with Liz and Henry, talking over a bottle of wine and a program Liz was invested in

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    Once Elliot took a cold shower and saying it was my fault, we were sitting in the living room with Liz and Henry, talking over a bottle of wine and a program Liz was invested in. Her eyes darted between each person before returning back to the screen in front of us. Henry was talking about a time in the war when he was in Germany and I was invested. He had a storytelling voice and the way he used his hands went along perfectly to the story.

    "I can't tell you how many times I've heard this story." Elliot says into my ear, leaving a light kiss to the crown of it. I elbowed him softly, never taking my eyes off Henry as he spoke.

    "And that was when I met Eliza," Henry's face immediately lit up as he said the name, but his eyes held a sadness I hadn't seen in a long time. "I was walking the streets in Leipzig and we bumped into each other. She was yelling at me, so I surprised her and told her how beautiful she was in German." He chuckled.

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