Chapter Five

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Song: The Simple Life-Keaton Stromberg

Elliot and I were watching some movie he picked out for "date night." He was hellbent on spending time together before we drove to hell itself. My mother had called a few days ago to make sure I still had a plus one, considering my track record with men, as she so nicely put it. I refrained on going off on her and just secured Elliot's place on the invitation list. Elliot and I were sipping our beers and relaxing, something I hadn't done in a while considering all of the anxiety from the upcoming wedding. It wasn't even mine and I was a trembling mess. How was I going to make it through the week?

"Stop bouncing your knee, you're shaking the whole damn apartment building." He said, shoving a mouthful of popcorn into his mouth. I rolled my eyes and tossed a few pieces at him, which he tried to dodge and failed miserably.

"I'm watching this stupid movie you picked out, I'm being the nice one." He waved me off and turned his eyes back to the movie; I watched them widen during a few scenes. It was later than I originally thought and I silently thanked the high heavens that I didn't have to work tomorrow. Elliot was definitely a night owl and I wasn't, but I tried my best to stay up when we hung out. He was always so full of energy and I envied him. Usually I was just too tired to do anything and I hated it.

I kept thinking about how Lucas was going to act when he saw me. He might not even care, he was with Aleah for a reason. I wasn't sure how he was able to stand her considering her personality. She wasn't the nicest human being and she was usually a bitch to everyone she met. But, knowing her, she deceived him some way or another and convinced him that they loved each other. I wasn't sure whether I was making excuses for my benefit or if it were the truth, probably a little bit of both.

Thankfully Lexie was going to be there for support and say the things I was terrified to. She had a big mouth and said everything that she was thinking, everything. Sometimes it came in handy, especially being stuck in a house with a bunch of people I didn't want to see again. Elliot would have my back, too, he reassured me many times throughout the past weeks.

"What's wrong?" I looked up to see Elliot looking down at me, his eyebrows pulled together in a frown.

"Just thinking about the wedding." I didn't want to let him know how terrified I was to see Lucas again. I was embarrassed enough as it is.

He squeezed my shoulder. "Don't worry so much. It'll be okay. Just try to enjoy the break from work. I'll be there for you, Andy." I appreciated him trying to reassure me, it meant a lot.

Elliot left soon after the movie was over and I quickly changed into my pajamas. I sat in my bed and watched old episodes of Revenge, trying to calm my over-worked mind. I ate the little bit of popcorn we had left from the movie and soon I was out, causing the bowl falling to the floor. I woke up drenched in sweat and I realized that I left the windows open all night and the air was turned off. My blankets were on the floor and I could smell the buttery popcorn littering the blankets. I sighed, covering my head with the extra pillow and contemplated on whether or not to even get out of bed today.

I could tell it was early from the birds chirping and the morning traffic bustling through the streets. The sun wasn't too scalding yet and there was a little bit of breeze blowing through the open window, rustling the curtains. Before I became a sweaty mess, I climbed into the cold shower, hoping it would cool me down a little. My hair was sticking to my shoulders so I quickly pulled it into a bun on top my head. As soon as I climbed out of the shower, my phone started ringing from the bundled up blankets on my floor. I sifted through them, hoping to find it when it stopped. I groaned and picked all the blankets up, shaking them in the air. My phone went flying and hit the door with a thud. I tossed the blankets onto my bed and grabbed my phone just as it started ringing again. Lexie's name and picture popped up on the screen and I answered it.

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