Chapter Three

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Song: Keep It Coming-Letters

"Andy, you seem well-rested today." Martha smiled once I walked into the door. I smiled and placed my bag in the backroom.

    "I got the rest I needed this weekend. How was yours?" I asked as I pulled my hair up in a ponytail.

    "It was very nice, Frank and I went out to eat for our anniversary. It was quite lovely." She was already serving drinks to a few men who were constantly drunk during the day while I wiped the counters off from last night.

    I started working at the bar a couple of years ago, after I quit working for Lucas. I had been a secretary for him for awhile and I enjoyed it. But once we broke off the wedding, I had to leave. I knew I didn't have the willpower to be close to him everyday. Hell, I couldn't even stand to see him the day after and I was in the middle of moving my things out of the house. Of course, I had to stay at the law firm for a few weeks or until I managed to find another job. He had tried to get me to stay, saying they "needed" me. But I wasn't going to stay somewhere I wasn't wanted. So once I found the ad in the newspaper for the bar, I applied as soon as possible.

    "Who's next?" Men shouted out answers as we both went to work, filling glasses and serving bar food throughout the afternoon

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    "Who's next?" Men shouted out answers as we both went to work, filling glasses and serving bar food throughout the afternoon. I checked my phone at break and noticed Lexie had texted me.

Want to get coffee after work? We have a lot to talk about. ESPECIALLY THE FACT THAT YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YOU WERE SLEEPING WITH ADAM AGAIN.

Oh, god. I was so dead. I never really told Lexie I was sleeping with Adam again after our last fight. I didn't remember what it was about, but Adam and I had stopped talking for a few weeks. Lexie had known, naturally, because I told her everything. But it had slipped my mind to tell her we were sleeping together again.

Ost at four. Sorry!

    I knew that wasn't going to satisfy her very much, but it was going to have to do until after work. Once my shift was over and I finished talking with Martha, I grabbed my things and rushed towards my car. I knew if I was only a few minutes late Lexie was going to serve my head on a platter.

    "Yeah, you better hurry up. I can't believe you!" She said as I sat down next to her. I thanked her for my coffee as I hung my bag on the back of my chair.

    "I'm sorry, okay? It must have slipped my mind. You should have known, though. I thought you were supposed to be a detective?" I rolled my eyes and sipped my drink.

    "I also didn't think my best friend was hiding things from me," She shrugged. "So, what, did you just miss the sex?"

    "You know he's more than just sex. Good lord, why am I having to explain this? Yeah, the sex is great, but he's also one of my best friends," A few people were staring and I leaned closer to Lexie. "Lex, I'm not sure how I got along without him. That tongue!" I knew the only way I was going to get her off my back was to talk about my sex life.

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