My First Day

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Your POV

I entered the large building with fear in my chest. The people looked me over as if I was a puzzle to solve. Jesus, what am I talking about? A puzzle to solve, they're all fucking psychos... I doubt they know what a puzzle is. The attendant dragged me along and pulled me into a room. A woman at the desk looked at me with surprise.

"This is her?" She asked the attendant nodded. She stood up and smiled, "Hello, Y/n. Welcome to the Juvenile Psychiatric Institution." I nodded, hesitantly. "I'm Claire, I'm going to help you settle in." She spoke as if I was a small child, and she was explaining why what I did was wrong. I pushed my thoughts aside and nodded again. She came from behind the desk and took my hand, leading me away from the attendant.

"Where are we going?" I mumbled.

"First we're going to do some routine inspection, then we're going to get you a uniform, finally we're going to assign you to a room and you get to meet your roommate."

"My roommate?" I asked in confusion.

"Yes, we are a coed institution. You are going to share a room with one of our male patients." She explained.

My eyes widened, what the hell did she mean "male" roommate? I can't share a room with a guy! Especially not one who's a goddamn nutcase, and considering where I am right now, they're all going to being fucking nutcases!

Claire suddenly came to a halt and opened the door in front of her. She gestured calmly, with a smile. I slowly walked in, the room was pale and covered in posters. It was a basic examination room, like the ones you see at the doctor's office.

The fluorescent lights buzzed, and the room reeked of sterile cleaning supplies. Claire took a seat on a chair and awaited me to take my own. I sat myself down on the examining table and stared back at her.

"Okay, I'm going to ask you a few questions. Please answer them as honestly as possible." She said. I nodded in agreement. "Good, question one... How are you feeling?" Is she fucking serious?

"I-I'm fine." I stuttered out.

"Good," She smiled. "Question two, do you have any violent impulses we should know about?" What the fuck were these questions? Of-fucking-course I have violent impulses, do they even know why I'm here? God knows even in this very moment, I wanted to rip that pencil out of her hand and stab her in the neck; repeatedly. However, I ignored the impulse and shook my head 'no'. It was obvious I was lying, but she just continued to write on a piece of paper, that was attached to a clipboard. "Question three, are you aware of your illness?" I looked at her confused. "Do you know what you've been hospitalized with?" She asked, dumbing down the question. I thought for a moment.


"Y/n L/n, you have Schizophreniform disorder." I looked at her blankly, blinking a few times. "The main symptoms include delusion, hallucinations, inability to feel a range of emotions, a lack of desire to form relationships, a lack of motivation, impaired or decreased speech, an inability to experience pleasure, disorganized or catatonic behavior." She continued on and on. The more she went, the more I realized I was just as bad as every other psycho here.

"Stop," I begged. She looked up from the paper she read off and looked towards me. "Please..." I continued, "I don't wanna hear anymore." She nodded.

"Alright." She stood up and gave me a half smile, "I'm going to go get your uniform, and then we can meet your roommate." I nodded, she then left the room.

I tiredly rubbed my eyes... Jesus Y/n, how'd you get here? I thought to myself.

"You didn't have to kill them." My conscience moaned. "Damn you, for thinking you wouldn't get caught!" It screamed.

~ Welcome To My Madhouse ~ Finn Wolfhard X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now