I'm Not Putting The Smoke In Your Lungs

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Time Skip >> Three Days (Your POV)

"Are you ready to be placed back into the general population?" Winona asked.

The room was silent for a moment. I couldn't help, but feel a strike of excitement flood into me. It was mixed with the adrenaline of knowing I was going to see Callahan.

"Yes..." I replied. Winona has me a halfhearted smile, I stood up from my bed.

"Y/n, I need to talk to you before you go." She mumbled.

"What's wrong, Winona?"

"Okay... We both know that Finn is gonna try to kill Callahan for what he did to you, and we both that he's gonna be successful." She started. "The thing is... Finn's almost eighteen. If he kills Callahan and gets caught. They take him to trial and try him as an adult. I can't protect from that..." She looked like she was on the verge of tears. "... Y/n, they'll put him on death row and he'll die."

She quickly wiped away her tear. I could feel the utter terror building in my throat, it seared like I just swallowed a handful of thumbtacks

"Wha-..." I stammered. "I don't... What do I do?"

"You have to stop him." She pleaded. I knew that if Finn died because of me I'd hate myself forever.

"I will..."

David came in a few moments later and delivered me back to the block. As I walked in I looked at the officers to see that Callahan was on duty.

I sent him a malicious glare. People all around came out of their cells to see the girl who'd survived being bled out and drowned.

They all eyed me and my freshly bandaged wrists. The first person I saw was Gaten.

I looked at him with a smile. He approached me and pulled me into a hug.

"Hey..." He whispered.

"Hi," I replied, mumbling into his shoulder.

"Wanna take a walk?" He asked, pulling out of the hug. I nodded.

Gaten and I had walked into the recreation room.

It was basically a big gymnasium, like the ones you see in a high school. The doctors said that it helped us "maintain control" when we were more physically active.

Honestly, it was utter bullshit. Personally, I thought it seemed like they were tiring us out so that we couldn't fight back.

Gaten and I sat down on the bleachers. I looked over at him and smiled.

"Okay... I think we need to talk." He mumbled.

"Alright," I replied.

"Look, you're amazing. I love how fucked up you are in the head, but I don't think we can be... Whatever we are anymore." He said, trying to be gentle I assume. "It's not you... I jus-"

"You're in love with Sadie..." I smiled. "I know."

"You do?" He asked.

"Yeah, it's pretty damn obvious." I chuckled. "Besides you two are perfect for each other, and if I'm being entirely honest... Every time you and I would kiss, it was bitter as hell." He laughed at me. "I could literally taste all the fucking pills you were popping." I laughed.

He lazily threw an arm over me.

"So, are we friends?" He smiled.

"Of course, you druggie." I retorted. He punched me in the arm and we spent the rest of that time cracking jokes and laughing.

~ Welcome To My Madhouse ~ Finn Wolfhard X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now