Straight White Vest

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Your POV

Nights in white satin, never reaching the end.'

The songs sad lyrics played with my ears. What was I gonna do? My insanity was taking me over.

'Letters I've written, never meaning to send...'

They played music over the speakers in the morning during checkups. They said it helps calm the patients; which makes it safer for the counselors, doctors, etc.

"Y/n?" Her voice called, pulling me out of my trance.

"I-I'm sorry... What was the question?"

"How did you sleep?" Winona repeated.

"Fine." I lied, but who was gonna tell her otherwise? Finn, fuck no. Gaten? He's not around to know. He was stuck in a completely different room, on the other side of the block. "When can I see him?"

"We've put your brother on your visitation list, he can come whenever he'd like." She smiled, half-heartedly.

"I wanna talk to him, he's not gonna come unless he knows I'm alright," I replied, forcefully.

"I can't permit that, Y/n. I'm sorry..." She said with a face full of fake remorse.

"I wanna speak to my fucking brother!" I managed, now shouting. My lungs began huff. I was furious.

"Y/n, please calm do-" I cut her off.

"I wanna speak to him!" I burst, jumping up from my bed. Winona pulled out an intercom.

"I am in cell 39A. I have a patient in distress. She's become aggressive, I'm gonna need a sedative."

Immediately two officers and a nurse entered my cell. The two officers approached me. I strongly lunged at them. I screamed at the top of my lungs, as I kicked and scratched. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my neck, a sudden flush of cold bled into my veins.

My legs and arms felt weak, and everything in my body began to calm. They were putting me to sleep. My breathing became shallow. One of the officers caught me as I began to drop.

"...My brother..." I muttered, using breathless words.

"Shh." One of the officers hushed. "It'll all be better when you wake up."

The light around me began to fade. The officers picked me up and carried me out of my cell. They placed me onto a gurney and began to wheel me somewhere... Probably the infirmary.

"Hey! Where are you taking her?!" A voice shouted. I let my eyes flutter open, I suddenly saw the faint outline of someone.

"Get back, Matarazzo!" An officer shouted.

"Where the fuck is she going?!" He continued to scream.

The lights began to fade again, and this time they didn't come back.

Time Skip >>

I let my eyes flutter open, and my body felt weak.

"Good morning, sunshine." A voice said. I looked around to see I was in a new room. The walls and floors were padded, and I was lying on the cold floor.

"Who's there?" I mumbled.

"Officer David Harbour." He replied, looking down at me.

"Why am I here?" I said, hoarsely.

"You attacked my partner and threatened Winona. They wanted to put you somewhere where you couldn't hurt yourself." He answered as I began to sit up.

"Am I in solitary?"

"No, much nicer. You're in a padded cell. This is where we keep the patients that are a danger to themselves and us." David replied.

"Why am I in a straight jacket?" I groaned, trying to move.

"Weren't you listening? You are a danger to yourself and others." He said again, this time articulating the words.

"I want out." I pleaded. "Get me out."

"You're not allowed to leave until Winona comes to see you."

"Now you're not listening..." I growled. "Let! Me! Out!"

"Jesus, you're sick." He spat. I climbed to my feet and approached the large door he sat behind. I began to bash my head against the door. "Knock it off." He demanded. I continued, hitting harder and harder. Go big or go home.

I suddenly felt the warm drip of blood fall down the side of my head. It bled all over my face, and I could feel it dripping down my neck. The door opened, and David came inside. I fell to my knees and let myself fall into another deep, painful sleep.

~ Dream ~

I walked all around the sickly asylum. The floor was cold, and hard against my bare feet.

"Hello?" I called. There was no answer. The halls were empty, and all the other patients had disappeared.

I walked down the hallway, every room was empty and all the guards had vanished.

"Well, if it isn't my little Y/n." A voice called. There before me stood him...

"D-Dad?" I stuttered.

"Look at where my little girl ended up." He started, as he walked closer.

"How are you here?" I said, beginning to sob.

"It's okay, honey. Dad's here now." He hushed, pulling me into a hug. I didn't know what was happening. Why he was here, or why he was being so fatherly. "Oh Y/n... Why were you such a disappointment?"


"You're nothing, you deserve to die. I should've killed you when I had the chance." He replied, still trying to soothe me. "You need to di-"

Immediately he began to stop speaking, he was almost choking...

"I will kill you again, and again until you disappear forever," I mumbled, numbly. I pulled my hand from his chest holding his pathetic, and sickly heart.

~ End Of Dream ~

Suddenly my eyes flung open, I felt the flush of a thousand knives on my body. I opened my eyes... I was underwater, freezing water.

I was pulled out, I took a hard, painful gasp letting the air re-enter my lungs. I looked all around blood fill the bathtub I was in.

"Welcome back, Kitten." A voice called. I looked up to see the last person I ever wanted to see...

"Finn?" I replied.

"Yes, ma'am." He smirked. "How was your nap?"

"What happened?" I replied, pushing back my wet hair.

"You bashed your head against the wall until David was forced to take you to medical," Finn explained. "I asked him to let me take care of you. He snuck you out, and I dunked you into the bath, and let you wake yourself up."

"Where's Gaten? I wanna see him." I said, climbing out of the bath.

A/N: Hello, my beautiful people! New chapter, yayyy. Lol, I love you guys soo much. I hope you have a good day/night. ❤️

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