This Isn't Fair

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Time Skip >> Three Weeks (Your POV)

~ Dream ~

It was unlike anything I'd ever experienced. It was soft and comforting... Something he'd never allowed me to experience before.

"Speak..." He said.

"What do you want me to say?" I whispered.

"Say you love me, Kitten."

He smiled. His lips curled into a dangerous smirk that was strictly insanity. No love, no yearning, just crazy. That sadistic smile was so painful, I could feel in being branded into the side of my head.

"I love you, Finn..." I muttered. He brushed all my hair behind my shoulder, allowing him a full view of my neck and collar.

"I know you do, Y/n." He answered, "And that's why I pity you. You're a beautiful girl that I keep for my corporeal appetites. Always living to make me happy."

"Are you saying you use me...?"

"I'm saying I enjoy the way you satisfy," He smiled, taking my hand in his and kissing the skin, "And because of that... I will always need you. You're mine."

"Am I just an object to you?" I fussed, pulling my hand out of his reach.

"Oh Kitten." He muttered, gripping my jaw and pulling it to his. "Don't take advantage of my kindness, it's greedy. Nice girls aren't supposed to be greedy."

"Maybe I'm not a nice girl, Finn..." I replied, still flush against his face; while he holds my jaw. He pressed a chaste kiss to my mouth.

"Well then maybe you ARE an object." He whispered, "But if you are then you can't simply be one. You're everything. You are the light in my eyes, the warmth of my skin, the fire in my stomach. You are... The ethereal beauty that no sane man can see."

He let go of my jaw and pressed a kiss to my forehead.

"Now go lay in our bed." He muttered. "You have to wake up."

~ End Of Dream ~

My eyes fluttered open. I could still feel the tired ache that sleeping always left with me. I rolled to my side.

"Well look who finally decided to wake up." Finn groaned, wrapping his arms around my body pulling me against him.

"Good morning, baby," I whispered. Wiggling my body against his, attempting to make even less space between us.

"How'd you sleep?" He asked.


"What happened this time?" He asked before pressing a few kisses to my neck.

"Typical mind games my diseased brain uses against me." I scoffed.

"Did you have a nightmare?"

"Not a nightmare per say. It was just... Intense." I mumbled, trying to remember the full details before they were swept clean from my head.

"What happened?"

"You happened." I chuckled. "You did what you always do."

"Which is?"

"Surprise me," I replied. "Even in my dreams, you manage to blow my mind."

"Well, I must be doing something right." He smiled. "Especially if your dreams are so... Intense."

"Oh shut up." I smiled.

"You're such a cutie, you know?"

"Did you just say the word 'cutie'?" I scoffed. He laughed and pressed another kiss to my neck. "I think you're losing your edge, Finn."

He pulled away just enough to look me in the eyes before suddenly he dragging the tip of his finger from the top of my forehead down to the bridge of my nose then letting it fall to my bottom lip.

"You're beautiful..." He muttered.

"Stop that." He looked at me confused, brows furrowed together.

"Stop what?"

"Falling in love with me—" I whispered. Finn just rolled his eyes and smirked.

"Maybe you're the one falling for me, Kitten."

"Don't go getting a big head now." I giggled. He suddenly shifted, looking to me for my complete attention.

"Can I tell you something?" I nodded. "... It's stupid but I was thinking about this a few nights ago and— I just can't get it off my mind."

"What is it...?"

"I was thinking about my life before the asylum and how I wished I had met you before Grace."

"Who's Grace?" I asked.

"She was the first girl I ever killed." He smiled, this time not out of happiness, but almost like he had a bitter taste on his tongue. "The girl that managed to break my heart and my sanity..."

I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out.

"And I can't help but think that if I had met you a few months earlier— We wouldn't be here, and I really could give you the life at the end of a cul-de-sac."

"I don't want that life, Finn. Sure it'd be nice to go outside every once in awhile, or see a movie... But," I hesitated for a moment, "If I had to choose between a normal life and you, I'd choose you in a heartbeat."

A/N: Hello, my beautiful people!! Oof. It has been wayyyy too long. I'm so sorry. I've missed you all so much. Lol, what did you guys think of this chapter? I thought after the last few that were more on the sad side I'd give you one with a lot of love and fluff. Speaking of love, I love you all so much. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a good day/night!! ❤️

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