Meet The Psychopaths

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Your POV

"Well?" Gaten smirked.

"We're just hanging out." Finn grinned. "Weren't we?"

"Get the fuck off me." I scoffed, pushing him away.

"Doesn't look like she's interested in being another one of your girls, Finnlard." Gaten chuckled.

"One of your girls?" I said, looking back at him. He opened his mouth to speak, but suddenly it closed. "Fuck off, Finn."

Jesus, I was stupid. What the hell is wrong with me?! He was using me. Of-fucking-course he was using me. I was just another toy his psychotic little hands wanted to play with.

"Aww, did I ruin your chance at a piece of ass Finnie?" Gaten smirked. Finn sent Gaten a glare. "C'mon babe, let's get to lunch." He said, giving a warm smile, holding an arm out. I pulled out of Finn's reach and walked to Gaten, allowing him to wrap his arm around me.

Time Skip >> Lunchtime

Gaten and I sat together. I was huddled next to him, and gripping onto his side. Everyone at the table stared me down, especially the boy who'd I beat up a couple days prior.

"Can't believe you let this bitch sit here." He spat.

"Oh fuck off, Caleb. It's not like she did any real damage." Gaten replied, sticking up for me. I sent him a soft smile and nuzzled in deeper to his side. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder, as we continued to eat lunch.

"So what? Are you like her boyfriend now?" A girl with fiery red hair asked. Gaten shrugged and looked at me. I felt a warm blush enter my cheeks.

"Fuck if I know, Sadie," Gaten replied.

"Sadie?" I mumbled.

"Shit, yeah. That's Sadie." He said, pointing her out. "Have you not met everyone?" I shook my head 'no'.

"Alright, well that's Sadie. She's my best friend, and the reason I'm in here." He said pointing her out again; this time letting out a soft laugh. "That's Millie. She's here for roughly the same thing, drugs, and murder." The girl Millie had short, choppy, brown hair and deep brown eyes. She was rather beautiful.

"She's beautiful..." I mumbled. Gaten smiled at me again.

"That's Noah, he was born here." He pointed to a boy with caramel brown hair. He was thin, but he had a rather strong build. Noah's eyes darted over at me. He seemed nervous, fuck or maybe he was just crazy.

"Is he okay?"

"No one knows." Gaten laughed. "Anyway... That's Jaeden, his family sent him here because he got depressed and lost his mind, and that boy over there. That's Wyatt he's here for the same reason, he used to be an actor though, I think." Wyatt had curly hair. He was rather attractive, but so was Jaeden. They were all so beautiful.


"And finally that's Jack. He just nuts, nobody knows what the fuck is up with him. He murdered a shit ton of people though." Gaten replied, pointing to a boy with dark hair. He sent me a smile and I, of course, smiled back. "And you already know Finn and Caleb." He concluded.

"Saving the best for last?" An unfamiliar voice said I turned around to see a tall man. He seemed to be older than me. Not by much though.

"Y/n, this is Bill. He eats people." Gaten smirked.

"Oh really?" I replied. Bill gave me a bizarre facial expression. He took his seat next to me.

"I can show you if you'd like," Bill smirked, brushing a strand of hair behind my ear. "I'd love to have a taste."

I arched an eyebrow at him.

"What is wrong with the boys in this place." I groaned.

"Don't worry, Dollface. You're fresh meat, the boys will back off as soon as Finn claims you." Sadie replied.

"Excuse me?" I said, with a face of disgust. "Finn will never in his life "claim" me."

The group began to laugh.

"You sure about that?" Caleb smirked.

"Yes, I am," I growled. "Finn's nothing, but a scared little boy. He's only got power because his aunt gives it to him." They all stayed silent. "Now if you will excuse me," I said, standing up from the table and leaving them behind. Suddenly I felt an arm on my shoulder, I turned to see Gaten.

"What? Did you think I'm gonna miss my chance at the new girl?" He smirked. I jokingly punched him in the arm.

"Oh shut up." I laughed.

Time Skip >>

Gaten and I returned to my cell. We talked and talked. He told me about his life outside of this fucked place.

"What about you, beautiful? Why are you here?" He asked, rolling a cigarette.

"I killed my parents," I replied, numbly. There was no point in drawing it out. I should've told him sooner.

"Why? What were they doing?"

The question rang in my ears for a moment. I quickly decided what to do. I pulled up my sleeve and showed him the lighter scar my father had left on me.

"That," I said, pointing to it. "They used to burn me and beat me... Finally, I just broke." I mumbled.

"How'd you do it?"

"While they were sleeping, I poured gasoline on their bed and their bodies, then I lit up my cigarette... Then threw it on them. They turned into flames, and I watched them burn." I said, feeling a smirk tug on the corners of my mouth.

"That's fucked up..." He replied. "I love it." I looked over at him with a smile. The room fell silent for a moment, but suddenly Gaten broke it. "... Hey, Y/n?"


"I kinda wanna kiss you right now." He mumbled. I could feel him staring at my lips. I immediately felt a smile on my lips.

I climbed onto his lap, and look him dead in the eyes.

"Do it," I smirked. Suddenly I felt his lips smash against mine.

A/N: Hello, my beautiful people! New chapter! Oooh, we gotta a little bit of a love triangle, don't we? Lol, I love you guys. Have a good day/night! ❤️

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