Chapter 10

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Why the fuck did Faith leave me?
Where is she? Is she okay? These thoughts rolled through my mind as I was laying on my bed.

I decided to longboard to her house

I knocked twice and the door opened, it was her mom

"Hello Mrs.Johnson, is Faith there?"
"No she isn't home, but would you like to stay until she does"
"Yes please" I said without hesitation.

I waited in her room until I heard a car pull in the drive way.


I pulled in the drive way

but before I go in I should get myself together I thought.

I got my eye makeup remover from my makeup bag and removed the mascara that leaked. I wiped away the tears and blew my nose.

I waited a few minuets so my eyes wouldn't look puffy and look like i was crying.

I got out my car and walked to the door, I took a deep breath and unlocked the door.

"Hey mom I'm home!" I yelled
She walked in the room and hugged me
"Hey sweetie where were you?"
"Oh I stayed after school to study and get extra help for math" I faked a smile.
"Oh okay good, I was worried or a second" she laughed

I walked upstairs slowly, I was replaying what happened in my mind

I felt lifeless and looked lifeless

I opened my door and was surprised.

Matt was lying on my bed.

He got up and looked upset

"Faith! Where were you, you got me worried!" He said calmly
My cheeks started to burn because I wanted to cry.
I didn't know what to say
"You what?" He yelled
I started to cry
"Oh no I'm sorry!" He ran up to me and pulled me in for a hug.
"No it's okay" I sobbed
"I just needed to skip school and get my mind off of things." I lied.
I pulled away and look into his eyes, I missed seeing those eyes.
"Why didn't you answer my texts?"
"My phone died, I forgot to charge it" I hated lying to his face
"But I charged it in the car and saw what you did on my phone" I smiled
"Oh yeah did you like it?" He smiled
"I loved it!" I said happily

He looked at my face

"Oh my gosh why are there bruises on your face?" His voice raised

"oh crap! I ran into a pole it I didn't think it would leave a bruise!" Once again, another lie.

"Are you lying to me?"
"No i swear" I said convincingly
I'm a good lier.

I just remembered it was Friday
"Oh it's Friday! Do you wanna stay the night?"
Then i started humming stay the night.
"Yes, but I have no pj's"
"Oh use my dads, he won't mind"
"Are you positive?" He asked nervously.
He was always scared of my dad
"Positive" I smiled.

I ran downstairs to tell my mom and dad that Matt was staying. I raced back upstairs to take a shower.

In the shower I kept thinking about being raped. I started crying silently so Matt didn't hear.

I got out and dried my body. I looked in the mirror and saw the bruise, it was barley noticeable it was tiny. Foundation would easily cover it up.

I walked out with my towel still around me
"The bathrooms all yours" I told Matt
"Okay" he said bitting his lip and looking at my body
"Matt stop!" I said annoyed, but i kinda liked it.
"Okay okay" he chuckled and went to the bathroom.

I quickly changed into my pj's and opened up twitter on my phone.
I stalked Matt and his tweets were all flirty, I wonder who that lucky girl he's indirecting. I sighed and tossed my phone to the side of me

Matt walked in, he was dressed thank god. Matt told me goodnight and kissed my cheek and started to walk away
"Matt wait"
"Hmm?" He turned around
"You can sleep with me.... If you want" I said nervously
"Okay" he said with the cutest smile ever.

I scooted over so he can get under the sheets.
"Goodnight "he said
My back was facing him. I felt him scoot closer to me and his arms wrap around my waist.
I smiled like an idiot until I fell asleep.

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