Chapter 16

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Matt was shaking me telling me we have arrived in Cali. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, adjusting to the bright light shining through the window. I looked over at Matt who looked overly excited. Nash and Audrey did too. Hayes was sitting behind me so I glanced back and saw him lip singing and doing weird arm gestures. I laughed to myself.

Once the plane had landed and fully stopped, Matt shot up from his seat, He was So excited, which was cute. I got up slowly and stretched my arms and back while yawning.

When we all got off the plane my focus was on the view. The tall beautiful palm trees and sunny sky.
The temperature was perfect. Oh I love California. We walked into the airport and got our luggage and impatiently waited for the limo to arrive. I talked to Audrey about shopping and Matt and Nash were on their phones. The limo arrived we all got up and walked to it.

Once we all got in I could feel their eyes on me. "Who are the babes?" Said taylor causing me to blush.
"This is my girlfriend Audrey and that's Faith, matts best friend" Nash explained. "Hi" i shyly waved. "HEY GUYS" Audrey squealed. She wasn't shy at all. All the guys were goofing off and talking about random guy stuff. I just sat there uncomfortably because I could see cameron staring at me from the corner of my eye.
Audrey nudged my arm "are you ok?"
"Yeah I'm really excited" I replied
"Me too! It's going to be awesome!"
We ended up talking about expectations because we never have been to magcon before.

The limo arrived at the hotel, we all got out if the limo and grabbed our bags. I stayed close behind Matt. "Room C12 on the 5th floor" Matt said. "Okay let's go!" I said excitedly. We all crowded in the elevator which was super tiny. I saw Matts face turning red, I forgot he was claustrophobic. I reached my hand out and slowly grabbed his, he looked down at me and smiled weakly.

Once the elevator opened Matt let go of me and was the first on out. Hayes and Taylor were cracking up. We all went to our separate rooms and I immediately fell to the bed. "Ahh this is relaxing" I said. Matt laid down closely to me and was staring at me.
"Why are you looking at me?" I asked
"Because your beautiful" he smiled
I blushed and he noticed. He gently pulled the hair on my face behind my ear and chuckled. " I'm glad to call you my best friend" he smiled. Right, best friend. "I am too" I replied with a big smile.

"Well magcon is tomorrow, we have one day to explore Cali!" He said getting up to fix his hair.
"Should we invite Audrey and the boys along?"
"Yeah" he replied
"I'll go tell them"
I went to Nash and Audrey's room first, everyone was there already so that's good. Cameron had his eyes on me which made me fell uncomfortable, carter and Hayes were arm wrestling, Nash and Audrey were watching videos on their phone and the rest were talking.
" hey guys, Matt and I are going to explore, wanna come with"
"Yeah" they said in unison
"Alright let's go!" I squealed

Before we left I changed into denim shorts with a pink tribal print tank top and vans since it was so hot.

We went to the zoo and some other interesting places. I loved seeing all the animals. We also went to walked beside the beach, the view was amazing!

I suddenly remembered the tests. I told everyone I'll be back. I whispered to matt and he came along.

I went to Walgreens and bought them. I went into Walgreens bathroom and the result was.....

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