Chapter 26

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I could see through my eyelids the dim light coming from the window, I slowly opened my eyes adjusting to the light. I felt a pair of eyes on me, I quickly turned around to see Matt sitting on my bed with his legs criss crossed. "Oh sorry" he looked away.
"You just look beautiful when you sleep" he said while scratching the back of his head. I giggled and got out of bed "goodmorning" I said. "Morning" he replied. "Are you feeling okay?" I asked about last night. "Yeah I feel great, I don't know why I had those dreams" he weakly smiled. A silence spread around the room. "Matt" I blurted out. "Yes?" "I'm scared, to go out, because of... Him" I nervously played with my fingers. Matt got up and made his way over to me. Putting his hands on my waist. "I am here to protect you, I will not let anything, and I mean anything hurt you." He pulled me closer for a hug. "Thank you, Matt it means a lot" He let me go but stared into my eyes. "And the day you stop loving me, is the day I'm done." He kissed my forehead and went to get dressed.

I went to the bathroom, smiling like an idiot and put on sweat pants and a tank top. Matt and I made our way to Nash's room. We stopped in our tracks when we heard yelling. We ran to the door and quickly opened it. It was Nash and Audrey. "That isn't me!" Nash yelled. "Well it looks like you" she screamed back. "Guys guys woah" Matt tried to calm them down. "What's going on?" I walked over to Audrey who was sitting on the bed. She showed me a picture of a girl and what looks like Nash, kissing. "I would never. EVER do that to you!" He replied to Audrey's earlier comment. "I don't believe you, Nash" tears were forming in her eyes. "Whatever im leaving, going out for a bit, I need some time to myself." He walked out. "YEAH GO SEE HER AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS" she screamed loud enough for china to hear her. I tried calming her down but she wouldn't at all. "I thought he loved me" she whispered, wiping away the incoming tears. I said nothing but hugged her. Matt sat next to her trying to comfort her with his words. I stared at the picture long and hard. It looked like him, but didn't. It's confusing.

Audrey stood up sniffling. "Well thank you so much for making me feel better, I'm going to go and lay down." And she walked out. I looked Over to Matt. "I don't think that is nash." He nodded in agreement.

Since magcon is over, we decided to go to the beach, just Matt and I no taylor and carter to make fun of us, no cameron to make jokes, just us. The Drive wasn't long but it was cute how he laid his hand on my lap and kept glancing down at me. It made me blush like a cheery. Once we got out the car a tiny group of girls came to take pictures, we couldn't just be rude so we did. After a few minutes the girls left and it was finally just Matt and I.

I spread out my towel and laid on it. "Come on Faith please" Matt whined. "I'm tanning go away" I groaned "please come in the water" "it's warm" once more. Before i know it, I'm being carried to the water. I couldn't help but laugh and yell causing people to stare. He threw me into the ocean. "Matt you butt" I splashed water at him. He was laughing hysterically. "You think this is funny?" I swam closer to him and pulled him under. The water was slightly clear enough to see him. I lightly pecked his lips and popped back up to the surface. Matt didn't. "Matt?" I could see a figure swimming under me. "Matt n-" I yelled before he could pop back up with me on top on his shoulders, causing me to fall back. I came back to the surface, Matt was no where in sight. "Where could he be now" I said to myself.

I made my way out of the water and laid down. The sun made my skin feel warmer, I put on my shades and closed my eyes. A few minutes later it suddenly got colder, I couldn't feel the sunlight anymore. I sat up taking my sunglasses off. There was Matt holding Italian ice with a cheeky smile. "Yay" I squealed. "My favorite" I said happily. He handed it to me and sat next to me. "Your welcome" he said expecting me to stay thanks. "Oh thanks" I smiled. We relaxed and talked for a few minutes.

The sun started to set, it was the perfect view. I scooted closer to him and laid my head of his shoulder. Our hands intertwined. "You know Faith, I truly love you. A-and-" he stopped and stood up without letting go of my hand. He pulled me up. Taking a deep breath he asked "Faith Johnson, the most beautiful girl I have ever seen with the kindest heart. Will you be my girl friend?" He asked nervously. I was in shock. "Of course!" I squealed, jumping into his arms. Our lips connected, it was the best kiss I have ever had. He picked up our bags and carried me bridal style to the car. Today was going perfect until I received a text from Audrey.

A - Faith come quick, Nash is in the hospital. A horrible accident I'll explain later just please come!

My mood was ruined. This can't be. I read the text out loud and Matt sped to the hospital.

Sorry I haven't updated! I just came back from DC and NY from a school trip and guess what!



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