Chapter 40

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Matts POV >>>>>>

"I can't believe you!" I snatched the phone back from her.
"What? I only want you to talk to me"
"Faith is in trouble and you just hung up!" I raised my voice
"I don't care"
"Well I do care! My girlfr- bestfriend could be dead!"
"I-I'm sorry" she whined
"Save it" I walked to my car.
"Can I come with you please. I-I'll help you find her" she begged.
"Fine, get in"
I started the car and drove off.
"Did you invite Luke to your party?" I asked keeping my eyes on the road.
"Yeah why?"
"Dammit!" I gripped the wheel in anger.
"She has had bad past experiences with him. Very bad. He's going to kill her!" I slowly started to panic. I turned the music on high volume, in a way it kinda calms me.
But I can't calm down, my girlfriend I mean best friend is in trouble. I hate myself so much, I let this happen. I can't believe I broke up with her. I don't deserve her. I didn't hook up with Aliyah at the party, but I did before. I cheated on her.
Tears starting rolling down like waterfalls but I still kept my eyes on the road.
I don't know where I'm going but I know it's going to be a long way.
I have to find her.

Faiths POV >>>>

A sudden pain occurred in my upper region causing me to wake up. I was on the floor. I whined in pain as I touched the spot, a big bruise forming. I looked up to see Hailey.
"Well look who's up"
"I don't know, who is?" I say sarcastically
She grabbed my shirt, pulling me up and pushing me against a wall.
"Don't get smart with me." She hissed, releasing me so that I fall to the floor.
Luke walked into the room and kissed Hailey. " ew " I mumbled to where they couldn't hear me.
"So what are we going to do with her?" Hailey asked
"Threesome" Luke suggested.
"Are you crazy? That's sick"Derek defended.
"You want some too?"
"No you can't do that to her."
"I did it before, and I'll do it again."
"How about we just kill her" Hailey interrupted.
"Just leave her here, let's go out and eat." Derek said.
"Enjoy your last hours of living." Hailey snickered, they all walked out.
They are so disgusting I can't believe this is going to happen. God someone save me.


I was sitting in a corner staring at a wall until the door busted open. Hailey walked in.
"Damn you look horrible" she laughed
"Right back at cha, you look like a deformed clown." I said without regrets.
"You think you're so funny? Just wait for what's coming."
Luke and Derek walked in, Derek had a small knife in his hand with a tight grip.
They stood in the doorway "well, go ahead" Luke gestured over to me.
Derek took a deep breath and walked over to me.
He raised his hand. "Well do it." Luke yelled.
"I-I can't"
"Remember the deal?"
Derek nodded and raised his hand once more.
"Do it now! Or I'll kill your sister!"
A tear rolled down his cheek as he dropped the knife.
"I'm tired of being your little slave Luke, I'm not going to listen to you anymore." He ran out.
"Well shit" I mumbled.



"Can we take a break we've been driving for hours." She whined. Her voice is starting to annoy me.
"No we can't" I defended.
She let out a loud and long groan before turn around in the seat to look out of the window.
I looked at the sunset through the windshield. The sky was a perfect shade of orange, the trees slowly swaying in the calm breeze. It was so beautiful, it reminded me of Faith.
I focused on the road until I felt vibrations in my pocket. I pulled out my phone and answered.
"Matt I know where Faith is!" The voice blurted.
"You do? Who is this?"
"D-Derek" he huffed as if he was running.
"Luke is going to kill her!"
"Where is she!" My voice started to raise.
"The abandoned cabin in white oak forest." "You need to hurry!"
I ended the call and sped to the forest. It would be a 10 minute drive if I went over the speed limit.
"Aliyah, Aliyah!" I tried shaking her with my hand that wasn't steering.
"Wake up!"
Her eyes shot open. She lightly rubbed them.
"What?" She mumbled
"Call 911!"
"Tell them to go to the abandoned cabin in white oak forest.!"
She nodded and dialed right away.


"What do you mean you can't go because it isn't a address.?"
"There is a girl abducted. Possibly dying for Pete sakes!" She yelled into the phone.
"Yes, in white oak forest."
"Okay thank you" she hung up.
"What did they say?"
"They are going to try their best to find the cabin."
I nodded as we arrived where the heavy trees start.
"Come on" I got out of the car and ran to find the cabin.


"No I'm not going to kill her." Hailey blurted.
"I'll do it gosh."
He came up closer to me, raising the knife.
"I'll see you in hell." He whispered.
A sharp pain occurred in my neck and lower waist. I looked outside through the dirty broken window to look at the beautiful sunset before slowly closing my eyes.


We were running for about 5 minutes until we saw a tiny wooded cabin in the distance.
"There!" I pointed and started to sprint leaving Aliyah behind.
I heard faint police sirens in the distance, coming closer and closer.
I busted the door open. I heard metal drop the the floor. Blood squirted onto the wall, as I slowly turned the corner i saw her sitting in a pool of fresh blood.

I'm too late..Is my princess gone forever?


Holy shit you guys are probably going to hate me and want to kill me. This book is so dramatic.
Please don't forget to vote and comment your opinions.
I love you guys

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