The Gallery ♡

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Hey lovies!!! Before you dig in with this chapter I indulge you to listen first to Beyonce's' Smash Into You. This song will be the inspiration of this chapter. Enjoy :)

I woke up today at exactly 6 am peacefully. No neighbor's loud music or any nuisance. As I walk through Marydale's door there was nothing crazy but only silence. I thought it was odd. Himala walang maingay ngayon, I said to my self. I stared at her door for seconds waiting for something crazy to happen but there is none. Ayos ha!

I took my everyday route before reaching the gallery. Namememorize ko na yata ang lahat ng pasikot sikot ng lugar na ito. When I took the ride in the substation the insides of the train was just in pure silence. Walang crazy lady na lasing. No commotions. Unlike the first day I met Marydale. Nakakatawang isipin na parang kulang na ang araw ko na walang crazy acts from her. Weird.

I directly went to the best gallery in the town, my all time favourite. Dito ko lang laging nasasabi na I am a real artist. The smell of it when you enter is heaven for me. And not for bragging but every after display nang mga paintings ko nasosold out palagi.

"Hey Ed! good day to you!", bati sa akin ng isang matangkad na lalaking manager ng art gallery.

"Hey! good morning! it's good to be back!", sabi ko sa kanya habang kinakamay siya.

"Yup! and as usual, sold out na naman lahat ng mga painting mo Ed! amazing right?", he patted my shoulder with excitement.

"Yeah! it felt really good na they all appreciate my work, I mean they truly understood my piece", paliwanag ko.

"Okay Ed, I'll let you be. Dnjoy painting today", he smiled and left me in my station.

When I was about to set up my works someone suddenly poked my shoulder hard behind my back. When I turned to that person my day started to get crazy.

"Hello handsome :)", she smiled from ear to ear that suddenly it felt good seeing her  and I actually don't know why.

"Hey cray-cray", I greeted her smiling back. What the hell is wrong with me.

"Grabe bai! hindi nga crazy pero cray-cray naman!", she laughed hard.

"What are you doing here?", I crossed my brows by asking.

"Oh! kasi I love art you know.. but hindi ko sila masyadong mainterpret.. ahmm.. can you tour me around and give me some explanations about them please?", she asked with puppy eyes.

"I am an artist, hindi tour guide cray-cray", I replied looking at her straight.

"Please Ed, just a quick tour..promise talaga!", she responded raising her right hand and promised.

"Why are you even here Marydale? are you stalking me?", I kid squinting my eyes at her.

"Hahahahahah.. ai paktay! pelingero oo! grabe bai!", she burst into laughter that it made me giggle to. The next thing happened was out in my subconscious.

"Okay fine, I'll give you a tour..", I said bluntly feeling alright about it. I mean seeing her lighg up makes me light up too. Her smile was contagious.

"Yey! let's go Ed!", surprisingly, she held my hand with no hesitation. She held it softly that it doesn't even feel like a stranger's touch. Hell, it doesn't even feel like a crazy lady's hand.
She never let go of me as I tour her around. I was sure we were weird at each other but it felt comfortable. We would laugh hard. We would admire the different arts in the gallery and everytime our eyes met, suddenly it ignites something deep inside. I was not sure anynore.

Marydale in this day was the strangest stranger I have met. That feeling na bago mo lang kakilala pero pag nag usap na kayo may click?

"Hey handsome!", she suddenly calls me up.

"Haha nakakarami ka na sa handaome mo na yan cray-cray ha", I replied still interlocking with her gaze.

"Thank you sa tour :)", she smiled weirdly at me that made a sudden tingy feeling inside.

"You are welcome crazy lady", yet I replied still holding hands with her.

A/N: Listen to Beyonce's Smash Into You again. and as you listen to it imagine this whole chapter. It'll give you sparks I promise :)

Beautiful Us (Completed MayWard Fanfic Romantic Story) COMPLETED!!!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon