The Prom ♡

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A/N: Hello my beloved MayWardians!!! For this chapter I would like you to listen to Lana del Ray's song entitled 'Love'. And this is for strict compliance, you must listen to it before you read this chapter,  before the actual dance in the story happens and after you read this. This will give you goosebumps I swear!!! Thank you and I love you all :* #FlykisssesToAll

PS: Show me some love and give this chapter a massive vote and comment :)

The Prom ♡

Eight pm. Maymay told me to get ready for the said 'prom' at eight pm and we will meet in the gymnasium where it will be held.
And I was too early since she was not yet around. Geez! I think I was ditched by that crazy lady at naniwala naman ako! Grabe ka scammer!

The loud boom of music was already syncing with my heart beat. I was still standing there waiting for the crazy lady to arrive when I saw a tall figure from afar. I  suddenly feel nervous. I don't know if it's the loud music or I was really nervous. As the tall figure came closer I saw Maymay with this long luscious peach gown. Her hair in a lazy bun but in an attractive way and that she smelled really good. Not that she doesn't smell good but she smelled really good tonight. And there were sparks in her eyes as she saw me or so I thought. It felt like in the movies moving in a slow motion.

"Hoy!!", she waved her hand at me lost in transition.

"Why..why are you late cray-cray?", I asked shaking my thoughts away. "And why on earth are you wearing a gown? Sabi mo casual crashers lang tayo?!", I scolded her once more.

"Ang dami mong reklamo boy, let's crash this party na! C'mmon! I got you!", she promised. And even if I know that this night will end up badly for the both of us, I dove in with the plan.

I thought we'll never get in but it seemed that this party is open to all. I looked over at Maymay as she starts shaking my arm hard.

"Uyyy..  andito na tayo.. hahah, how cool is this?!", she went cray-cray again as she was amazed by the masquerade themed prom.

"Grabe bai! crazy talaga! ako lang ang naka casual dito oh!", I protested.

"Shh! wag ka nang magalit Ed. That's the beauty of life it has many surprises! halika na!", she held hands with me again as she dragged me to the center of the dancefloor full of people.

"Ano ka ba? wag ka ngang kill joy Ed! come dance with me!", she jumped up and down like a playful child.

The people around us did not seem to mind as we dance along with the crowd.

"Lighten up Ed! you only live once!", she said as she dance with grace syncing with the music.

I wanna know badly the back story of this crazy lady but who am I to judge? she continuosly waves at me to dance and of course eventually I gave up and danced with her. The music was hype and I rrmember how to live again. I was alive! I was living, and she gave it to me.

Half an hour passed and the crowd is still in wild motion. Full of colors. Maymay and I sat down as we took our exchange of deep breaths. I was sighing and smiling at the same time, whilst Maymay was slouching in the chair starring at the crowd making moments.

"Hoy cray-cray! going mellow drama again?", I fooled but she did not even react.

"Crazy lady... are you there??", still she did not look at me or react. She was just slouching there slipping to reality. And the music shifts to another genre. It changed into this mellow love song ('Love' by Lana del Ray) that seemed to tick Maymay off. When she heard the intro tune she hurriedly got up, went to full panic mode and attempted to run away and leave without me. What the hell? I quickly grab her by the hand and asked what's the matter.

"What's up cray-cray? are you leaving without me?? and where did you think you're going? and what did this song do to you?", I asked a millions of questions. She was not answering them. She was really in anxious mode.

"Maymay? what's wrong?", I asked holding her arms when I saw tears coming out of her eyes.

"He left me after this song and I thought we were inloved!", she suddenly calms down after she burst out those words. She breathe out and sighed. I was astonished. So this was a broken girl standing in front of me seeking for things to move on but stayed in the hurt part. I honestly thought she is just a plain crazy person.

Come. Dance with me.", I said. I don't know what came to me but it felt right to take her to the dance floor as the music goes on and danced her slowly. She rsisted at first but eventually gave up. In the middle was the perfect spot. The lights were spot on. I gently held her hands and put her arms around me. I dipped my arms around her waist and slowly our feet were syncing with the music. It felt weird and crazy. But it felt right.

"To the man who left you Maymay, I thank him", I surprisingly said.

"Coz you've met me? the crazy lady?"

"Wag kang feeler cray-cray. Kasi because of him leaving you, I get to live life like a one hell of a crazy person. And I am living right now because of you.."

That was the last conversation of Maymay and I that night. When we got home everything was in silence. Before she entered her door she smiled and said thank you, I just nodded. When I entered my room and was about to go to sleep, I heard Maymay playing the soft music over and over again and I went to sleep.

A/N: Throw comments now :) Let me know the effect of the chosen song ♡

Beautiful Us (Completed MayWard Fanfic Romantic Story) COMPLETED!!!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon