The Picture

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A/N: In this chapter I have no suggested song, it's for you to find out what song will fit this part. All I can say is that, mga bai, kukurot ang mga puso nyo ng kunti dito :)

The Picture

Paintings. All I can see in her wall are my paintings. The paintings I was making and selling for the last year. But what the hell? Is she my mysterious buyer? Let alone, is she the only one buying my stuff? And why?? Why buy them all? Is she a huge collector of paintings? Is she my fan? My stalker? What the hell is happening?

I laid her down softly and gently unto her bed. And when my eyes roamed around the corners of her bedroom, more of my paintings were there. Goosebumps ran down thru my spine. I choked a lump of nervousness in me. I couldn't believe my eyes. All of my works are here!

The crazy lady was already snoring in her bed and I was just standing in a corner looking amazed on what's hanging in all of her walls. And then something caught my eye. I went near a corner next to her bedside table. A well lit small-spaced open cabinet full of seemingly odd framed pictures.

Curiosity crept on me as my feet kept walking towards the cabinet. Mas lumakas pa ang kaba sa aking puso. Mas nanlamig pa ang batok ko. Natakot ako. Natakot at naluha ako bigla nang pag bukas ko isang pamilyar na mukha ang nakita ko sa loob nang kahoy na kabinet.

One. Two. Ten. Fifteen. Twenty.

Twenty small and big picture frames I found inside. From a frame with a couple holding a restaurant receipt to a wedding picture. A wedding picture!

My eyes grew fonder. My heart just skipped a beat. Mas naluha pa ako.

Ako lahat ang nasa picture frames. Ako at ang babaeng tinatawag kong crazy lady. Ako lahat ang nasa larawan pero ni isa wala akong matandaan. Ni isa wala akong masabi na naaalala ko. Shit! What is going on? What is happening to me?

I blurted out. I stepped outside her room. Di ko kinaya ang nakita ko. Di ko kinayang isipin na marahil nga ang baliw na babaeng ito ang asawa ko o kung ano man kami dati! Hindi ko maalala na naging parte na ako ng buhay niya. Hell! I don't even know how we met or how I became a part of her life! Is this a joke? Is this a prank? Dahil kung laro ito hindi na nakakatuwa.

I clutched my chest. I was hurting. And for the first time I felt devastated. I felt I was the one going crazy!

I was breathing heavily. I was panting. I felt the panic going on inside me. Gusto ko syang gisingin at tanungin. Gusto kong klaruhin lahat sa kanya! Pero di ko magawa.

I decided to find more clues about us. About Maymay. I sneeked into her photo albums. And there I saw more pictures of us. Happy pictures of us. I was in tremors as I went pages to pages uncovering new memory of us. I was in tears. I feel so helpless seeing all of this.

And when the last photo album was in my hand, it felt like I needed to see this one last thing. As I went to the last album, there I saw a cut newspaper with an article of an accident happened five years ago. A picture of wrecked car. A sudden jolt and pang of pain ran down thru my system. More pictures of the wrecked car and it's passengers. I feel devastated. I saw pictures of me in the stretcher, bathe in my own blood. And a picture of a lady beside me badly injured as well. As I have read the article I shut down in pain. I shut down in so much shame and pain.
It says:

"Secret couple tries to ran away from guy's wife, had a terrible accident! Mistress died"

I could never imagine what Maymay had gone through. What the crazy lady had gone through for the past five years. All this time I was the one who hurt her the most.

All this time, she did immensely painful things just to provide me an environment I knew I was living as Ed Barber.

How bad I am as a person for the last five years?

Throw comments now Chrillians :)

Beautiful Us (Completed MayWard Fanfic Romantic Story) COMPLETED!!!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon