Chapter Three

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L E I G H ' S  P O V

Why will I never be good enough for anyone? Why will I always be ugly? Why can I just be perfect? I think to myself as I run out of Camila's house. I throw my beer bottle on the ground, it smashing into a million pieces, just like my heart. My heart has been broken so many times. 

Tears begin to fall from my eyes and I just drop to the ground, cutting my knee on some glass. I hear the door slam and I look up. I'm still sitting on the lawn but it was far away from the porch so I couldn't see who was walking out. A slim figure was walking down the steps. I roll away from the pathway and watch the person walk out.

After the person had gone I got out my phone and turned on the flashlight. The glass had cut deep into my knee. The pain started to roll in. I checked the cut to see if there was any glass, thankfully there was none but the blood was dripping down my knee. I grabbed onto a tree branch and pull myself up. The pain in my leg was killing me. I can't walk all the way home. Heck, I don't even know my way home.

This whole day has been a total disaster. I open my purse and rummage through it trying to find some money so I can get a taxi and just my luck I found ten pounds. I quickly grab my phone and call for a cab and begin to hop towards the road. Ten minuted later the cab had arrived and I hopped in.

"Where we going?" he said in an Irish accent.

"16 Singleton Road," I sigh.

It was a quite ride. He probably had so many questions like 'why is a sixteen-year-old needing a cab at nine pm?' We finally reached my house I thanked him and gave him my cash. Now to face an ever bigger problem. How am I suppose to climb to my room with a throbbing knee? I took off my heels and hid them bush. I grabbed the ladder and begin to climb it. My heart was racing, was the ladder going to fall? Will I fall? 

I finally reach my bedroom and take off all of my clothes. My door had been locked so my mother couldn't get it. I had told them I felt sick and needed to go to bed early. After I had changed into my sleeping clothes I went into my vanity and pulled out a bandage and began to bandage my wound. It hurt like fucking hell. I then cleaned off all my makeup and hopped into to bed. I opened my phone to see multiple texts messaged from Jade. I didn't bother to check them I just shut my phone off and went to sleep.


My alarm was ringing through my head. Great another day of pain and torture. I peel back my covers and look down at my leg. It had fallen off! Just kidding, I'm hilarious. Right? Still, the bandage was covered in blood. I quickly pick a pair of long skinny jeans and a tank top. I walk to the bathroom and get out a fresh bandage. I then remove the old one and hop into the shower. The water burned my cut and I sat on the ground in pain. I finally got out of the shower and got changed into my clothes. 

I head downstairs where Sariah was sitting eating marmite toast. 

"Morning sis," she says, her mouth full of marmite. 

"Good morning you pig," I joke and she pretends to put on a mad face. 

"So, how was the party last night?" 

"W-What party?" I stutter, smooth.

"I saw you there, with that Jade girl."

"How did you get invited?"

"I know Camila," She smiles and goes back to eating her toast. 

I grab an apple and put it on the bench. I take out my lunch box and shove it into my bag. Then I swipe the apple and bag and head for the door. I leave without saying goodbye. I start to limp towards the bus stop and plug in my earphones this time. When I get there Jade is already sitting on the bench talking to someone. I quietly take a seat at the other end of the bench. After a few minutes, she notices that I'm here.

"Leigh-Anne! You're here!"

I nod.

"I'm so sorry about last night I kept trying to call and text you. I feel terrible and it's all my fault and I'm so sorry!"

"Don't worry about it," I say and take out my earphones.  

"You should come to the Dot with Pez, Jes and I."

"Um, I don't know."

"Leigh, I'll shout you. Honestly. We need to hang out as a four," She plasters on a big toothy smile. 

"Uh, fine," I giggle and she squeals and put her head on my shoulder. 



We all hop off the bus and I follow the others towards the Dot. It was a small cafe on the corner of the street. We walk in the bell chimes and the girl at the cash register looks up. She was playing with her bubblegum that was in her mouth. Gross. 

We all take a seat by the window and set down out stuff.

"So Leigh, how are you finding the school?" Jesy asks, concern on her face.

"To be honest, shit. Expect for you guys. You're pretty cool," I laugh.

"It'll get better babe. It's not often we get new kids," Perrie says, resting her head on her hands.

"Look, can we not talk about school. I'm honestly so done," Jade says in a sour tone. 

"Woah, what's wrong Jade?" Jesy says. 

"Jed, he cheated," Jade says, not even a sign of emotion in her voice.

(I would die if Jed cheated. Jaded is so cute)

"Aw, I'm sorry," I say and place my hand on her back and rub it. 

"I thought h-he loved me." 

"Jade, you're to good for him," Perrie says.

"Yes! She's right," Jesy says.

"You know what?" Jade asks.

"What?" We all say at once. 

"I'm hungry can we get some food," she laughs. 

We all laugh and Perrie calls over a waiter. I order and a chocolate milkshake and some fries. It was a really nice afternoon. We talked about random stuff that I could never talk about my parents with. Which have been my only friends for the past three years I'm really hoping that I will finally be happy. 





Yay! Finally updated. Please vote and comment what you think :) 

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