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Ten Years Later...

"Hello, baby boy," I whispered into my fiancé's stomach, that held my bundle of joy. We had found a sperm doner six months ago and we were thrilled that we were going to be having our own baby boy, being twenty-six and Adeline being twenty-eight, we wanted to start making a family.

"Have you thought of a name yet?" Adeline asked, rubbing her stomach.

Adeline and I met at a support group, four years after Leigh-Anne's death. She was there because her mother had passed away and she didn't take it well, she was very violent and aggressive. I was there to get over my drinking problem and we just clicked, although she will never be as special as Leigh-Anne. I've never told her, obviously. But deep down, I know she knows it.

"Liam," I say, kissing her stomach softly and crawled up next to her.

"For Leigh-Anne?" She questions, cocking her head to the side.

"Is that okay?" I replied, anxious.

Adeline ran a light finger over my tattoo that was painted on my wrist. It was my fault. I never wanted to forget it was my fault, Adeline totally refused for me to get it but I did it anyway.

"I love it," she smiles and kisses my forehead lightly.

"As much as I would love to stay in bed all day, I have to get to the studio," I yawned and swung my legs over the side of the bed. Being a singer was hard work but I'm living my dream.

"Jade," Adeline started, making my head snap towards her, "Are you okay. I know what day it is."

"I'll be okay," I sigh and kiss her forehead lightly.

"We can talk about it you know?" She suggests as I climb off of the bed.

"It's not my favorite topic, you know that Addy," I say, pulling off my Rolling Stones t-shirt and started to put on my outfit for the day.

"It's nice to talk about it once in a awhile. Are you going to the grave today? With Perrie and Jesy?" She questions, slowly climbing off the bed.

"Yeah, I can't believe it's been ten years," I gasp as I hold onto the necklace that I was given ten years ago, exactly.

"Time flies. Imagine how proud she would be," Addy whispers, grabbing by waist and wiping away the single stray tear falling down my cheek.

"I love you," I say, leaning in and kissing the beautiful blonde on the lips.

"I love you too. I'm going back to bed. Have a good day," she smiles and plants one last kiss on my cheek.

I sigh as I exit the bedroom from our flat. I don't usually have breakfast so I just find a few snacks and pack them into my handbag. My eyes close the tightly as I held back my tears they threaten to leak down my face. The paps are most likely waiting to catch my appearance on the death anniversary of my ex girlfriend, since I stupidly open about it in my music.

Grabbing my keys, I head out the door and down the corridor of my apartment buildings. A familiar voice stops me in my tracks.

"Jade!" The Geordie called out.

I spin around on my heel and face Perrie, who had massive eye bags. I can't blame her, having a two-month-year-old must not be easy.

"Hey," I say softly, trying not to let any tears fall.

Perrie pulls me into a big bear hug and rubs my back soothingly. She pulls away form the hug with a small smile.

"I'm not going to ask, I know you're not okay. Jesy has been a wreck this morning, couldn't even climb out of bed," Perrie says, her arms still draped around my shoulders.

"I would stay in bed all day if I could," I sighed.

"I gotta go babe, Daisy is probably having a tantrum and Jesy... well... I'll see you later, okay?" She smiles and pulls me in for one more hug before letting me go.

I pressed my lips into a straight line and walked towards the staircase that lead outside. As I exited the complex, I was bombarded with flashing cameras and millions of reporters screaming different questions at me. I will not cry, I told myself sternly as I pushed through the sea of desperate paparazzi.

Once I made my way to the taxi, I leant my head against the window and finally, let tears cascade down my eyes. Then I saw her. Leigh-Anne. It was Leigh-Anne. I sat upright and stared at the bronzed goddess.

"T-Thats my girlfriend!" I yelled, pointing out the window.

The old mans let's out a slow and quiet laugh, "There is nobody there, Miss."

"Oh," I say quietly and sit back down in my seat, with a broken heart.
Rain poured down onto the concrete and grass, making this day seem to even more depressing. I pull my parka hood over my damp hair and snuggle into it. I stared at the gravestone, here lies Leigh-Anne Pinnock, an angel that retuned home.

My lips began to quiver and small tears dropped down my cheeks, mocking the water droplets coming from the sky. I pulled paper from my pocket, that had already began to get wet. I opened it and took a deep breath.

"Dear Leigh-Anne, it's been ten years," I began to read, quietly, "Ten years since you left this cold and cruel world. Lucky you. I have to live with the fact that I killed you, everyday. Leigh-Anne, baby, I love you. I really do. There is not a day that goes by where I don't think about you. You are the love of my life and you always will be. Please don't be mad that I'm engaged to Addy. I'll never move on nor will I get over you. You are my angel. I love you. From Jade."

Tears are now streaming down my face as I drop to my knees. A warm hand presses against my shoulder. I turn to see Jesy, standing with tears in her eyes. I pulled we down onto my lap and we hugged, a long and warm hug. Letting the rain fall down on us.

"I miss her," I say softly into Jesy's hair.

"Me too," she whispers, squeezing my tightly.

And for a moment, I swore I heard a voice call out and say 'I love you too, Jade Thirlwall'.

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