Chapter Eighteen

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J A D E S  P O V

The warm rays of the sun soaked into my tan skin. The girls and I were all lying on the beach having a good ol' chinwag. We haven't really had a proper talk in awhile, it's been all about Leigh-Anne or Zayn or bullying.

"Okay, okay, so the most awkward first date ever was probably when this guy took me to see a movie. It was a pretty good date and I was thinking about seeing him again," Perrie explained, lying on her stomach, "but then at the end of the move he leaned over to kiss me and..." Perrie pauses for a dramatic affect.

"Come on woman!" Leigh-Anne exclaims, whacking her on the head with a packet of gummy bears.

"Ow!" Perrie squeals, making everybody laugh, "Impatient much? Anyway, he leaned over and tired to kiss me but missed my face and fell right into my boobs."

"Oh my god! That's horrible!" I say, laughing so hard that tears began to spring at my eyes.

"That's really sad," Jesy laughs, putting her arm on Perrie's back.

"Jade can you run some sun lotion on my back please?" Leigh-Anne said, holding out a bottle of sun cream towards me.

"'Course," I say, grabbing the bottle from her and squeezing in onto my hands.

I bring my hands to her back and started to run the lotion on, softly. She had a beautiful back, even if that sounded weird, it was. It was so tan and smooth. I began massaging her back, rubbing the pads of my thumbs in little circles.

Goosebumps appeared all over he back, arms and legs. My lips curled into a small smirk as I started to rub the top of her shoulders.

"Guys, its three-thirty. We should probably go back and get ready for dinner," Jesy stated.

We all mumbled our 'okays' and started to pack up our area. I piled Leigh and I's towels into the bag, also stealing a few bags of crisps that Perrie hadn't put away yet. Once everything was packed up all three of us made our way back to the motel.

Leigh and I found our way back to our room. We piled inside and I set the stuff down on the table that was in the far right corner of the room, Leigh-Anne was already lying on the double bed. I dusted off my sandy legs and climbed onto the bed next to her. We both roll over so that we're facing each other.

"How are you... feeling?" I asked Leigh-Anne hesitantly, I know she hates that question.

"I'm happy. Really, I am. This whole experience just makes me feel really happy," She replied, cracking a smile that made butterflies swarm my stomach.

"You're so strong," I say, grabbing her hands and pressing my lips onto them.

"I couldn't do it without you," Leigh-Anne smiled.

"Dora reference?" I chuckled.

"You know me too well, Thirlwall," Leigh-Anne chuckles, pressing her soft lips to my forehead.

"Go hop in the shower and start getting ready babe," I say, climbing off of the bed.

"Ugh, I wish we could just stay in this room for the rest of the night," Leigh complained, climbing off the bed too.

"Hey, dinner will only be a couple of hours, now get ready!" I say, pointing towards the bathroom.

The gorgeous brunette sighs and picks up a pile of clothes from the table.

Twenty minutes later, I was ready. I had a tight, knee length red-zip up dress. My brown hair was curled and was pulled up into a ponytail. Just as I applied a coat of red-lipstick, Leigh-Anne walked out from the bathroom. I turned around to face her and my jaw hung low.

She had a yellow crop top on paired with high-waisted leather trousers. Leigh-Anne looked incredibly hot. She didn't look like the same person she was when she walked into that room.

"You look stunning," Leigh-Anne said, breaking the few moments silence of staring at each other.

"So do you," I say, making my way over to the bronzed goddess.

I took Leigh-Anne's waist with my hands and brought her closer to me. A small smirk was painted on my face as I grabbed her own face and kissed it with passion. I snaked my arms around her neck but she quickly pushed me off.

"No naughty time, remember," Leigh-Anne mocks, making me roll my eyes, "We have to go anyway."

I reach behind her and grab my purse. Her own purse was already slung over her shoulder. I did my last touch-up of makeup before we head out.

Later that night, we stumbled through the door. It was a great dinner, we all chatted and made many more memories, like when the waiter was flirting with Jesy and Perrie kissed Jesy right in front of him. His face was priceless.

Leigh-Anne sat down on the end of the bed, taking off her wedges. I cocked my head to the side as I watched her be so effortlessly beautiful.

"What are you looking at?" Leigh-Anne questions, flicking her brown hair behind her back.

"You. You're beautiful, you know?"

"You only tell me everyday," Leigh-Anne chuckles and stands up.

I chuckle as well and look down as she makes her way over to me.

"It's because I love You."

"You love me?" Leigh gasps, smiling.

"I've never felt this way about anyone," I reply, words were just poring out of my mouth like cheese fondue.

"I love you too, Jade," Leigh-Anne leans into me and kisses my lips gently.

I grab her waist, -which was my new favorite thing-, and kiss her a little less gentle but equal amount of passion. My hands moved slowly down from her waist to her lower back bone. Leigh's arms snaked around my neck, brining us closer so there was no gap between our bodies. We pulled apart from the kiss to catch our breath, only to return to kissing moments later again.

I slowly pushed us off the wall and onto the bed. I wonder what mam would think if she knew this is what we were doing. I was now sat in Leigh-Anne's lap. My lips parted from hers and I left a trail of kisses down her neck, sucking on a spot on her neck, Leigh's breathing deeper. Giving the spot on her neck a little bite, earned a moan from her. I smiled and trailed kisses down to her collarbone. Leigh flung her head back in pleasure.

"J-Jade did you want to..." Leigh-Anne asked, breathless.

"Only if you want too, I mean we're only sixteen."

"Of course I want too," Leigh-Anne exclaims and pulling me down into a lying position on the bed.

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