Chapter Twevle

744 41 11

J A D E ' S P O V

Leigh's hand was intertwined with my own as we walked back to class. We reached her classroom and I let go of her hand.

"I can't do it," Leigh-Anne cries, her hands begin to shake.

"Of course you can," I say, taking her hand again.

"Everyone is going to laugh at me, Jade!" Her voice is crackly and quiet. Tears are now streaming down her face, which makes my heart break.

I caress her face with my hand and wipe away the tears with the pad of my thumb. I kiss her again slowly, making sure that she knows I love her. We pull apart and I examine her face. Her cheeks are red and her eyes are puffy. I then turn away and start to walk back to class. Unfortunately, I heard a familiar sound of heels clicking down the hallway. The headmistress was on her way through the halls and she would not be happy to see me.

"Ahh, Ms Thirlwall. Just the girl I wanted to see. May we please have a chat in my office," the old woman said with an evil smile.

I silently nodded and followed the headmistress down the hall and into her office. My palms began to clam up and my mouth was dry. Her office smelt of old perfume and peppermint. It looked just like the living room of a eighty-year-old woman with thirty cats. I took a seat on a green cushioned chair.

"Okay, Jade. You use to be such a lovely student. Always helping out and you never get into fights or skip detentions. Well, you never had any detentions. What has gotten into you?" She says with her hands resting on the desk.

"Well, I'm not exactly sure why. I just was sick of being a good girl," I lie. I loved being good, it was so rewarding and always made me feel happy but it's not like I'm going to tell her I'm doing this all for a girl.

"Ms Thirlwall, that is hardly an excuse. I'm extremely disappointed in you. Just then you were waiting out on the halls like it was no ones business." She says, while writing in her notebook.

"I'm very sorry, Headmistress. I'll try and clean up my act. I promise," I say sweetly, flashing her a my signature toothy grin.

"Okay, well Jade you have two detentions. One for the one you missed and one for skipping it. They will be after school today and tomorrow. Do not skip them," she rips a piece of paper from her notebook and hands it to me.

I take the paper from her hands and stand up from the chair I was sitting in. I then left her office and let out a slight sigh as I read over the detention slip. Ruining your reputation for a girl? That's hardly a Jade thing to go. Well people change, I thought to myself. Once I had stuffed the paper in my pocket I made my way back to my English classroom. I've avoided Lauren (well, anyone from that stupid girl group) for the past week. Lauren was a very 'get to the point' person so I would not like a run in with her. She will slap we right across the face, not mercy given.

I opened the door to the English classroom and silently slipped back into my spot at the back. Lauren had her phone under her desk, watching something. She turned to the guy next to her and handed her phone to him. I watched as the boy watched with a wild grin on his face.

"It was very childish," I blurt out.

"What was?" Lauren asks, turning to me with a cheeky grin on her face.

"Giving Leigh-Anne a swirly. How old are you? Twelve? Honestly," I huff.

"Watch that mouth of your Thirlwall. You aren't exactly clean in my books," she growls, her eyes death staring me.

" Unfortunate for me then, I guess," I shrug and turn back to the front on the class.

English dragged on for another twenty minutes. Mr Wakely was going on about how brilliant this book is that we were reading and that is has such a great storyline. Finally the bell sounded letting us out for second period. I quickly shoved everything in my bag hastily and rushed out before Lauren could catch up to me.

I arrived at the cooking room just in time to snag a spot with one of the good ovens. After a few moments Leigh-Anne appeared at the door frame and walked over to me, her head hung low.

"What's up buttercup?" I say, placing my hand on her back.

"Just trying not to be seen," she says and lifts her head up.

"How was class?" I ask, moving my hands to the bench.

"No one said a word. Well to my face at least," she says.

"You look a lot better," I compliment.

"Well, Niall is just a sweet sole. He chatted to me the whole class about how nice and amazing I was," Leigh gushed.

"Somebody had a crush on you."

"Somebody's a little jealous," Leigh-Anne winked and I playful-punched her on the arm.

Mrs Coil walked into the classroom, quickly making everybody shut up. Today we were cooking spaghetti bolognese. Once everything had been set up, we began to cook our spaghetti. Dinah Jane was standing behind us, holding a pot full of meat. My heart began to race and Dinah walked dangerously close to Leigh-Anne.

"Don't you even think about it," I accidentally blurt out, making heads turn towards us.

"What- What are you talking about?" She says as she batts her eyelashes.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. Don't even try me," I say wagging my finger at her.

"Jesus, it's someone's time of the month," Dinah mutters and walks away.

"What was that all about?" Leigh-Anne asks once I have turned back to the bench.

"I didn't want her to embarrass you."

"I can take care of myself."



"Can we go on that date this weekend? Stargazing?"

"I've been waiting for you to ask!" Leigh claps her hands together and smiles.

I chuckle and turn back to the pot In front of me.

"Oh and thank you Jade. For everything you have done for me in the past two months I've been here. It really does mean a lot."

"It's no problem sweetie."

"No really, I wouldn't be here right now if it weren't for you and the others. You guys mean so much to me."

"You mean so much to me, too." I smile as my cheeks become bright red.

Yay! Another update. This isn't edited btw I can't be stuffed to right but I love ya'll and I hope you have a dandy day!

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