Chapter Six

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Jade's P.O.V

I tapped anxiously on my coffee mug. Perrie was sitting across from me, reading from her phone.

"She's on her way," the blonde says, not looking up from her phone.

I let out a quiet sigh and sip my coffee. The bell on the cafe door rung and my head snapped up to see Leigh-Anne standing in the doorway. She walks slowly and took a seat next to Perrie and just stared at the table.

"Okay, you two. Talk about what happened," Perrie says and quickly gets up from the table and walks away.

There was a painfully long awkward silence. Leigh-Anne just stared at the table and sipped my coffee.

"So," I say, trying to start the convocation.

"So," She echoes, "About, last night. What happened?"

"I think we should stop being friends," I quickly blurt out.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"I can't be friends with you anymore," I say, tears stinging my eyes.

"Why?" She asks, her voice dripping with anger.

"Being friends with you, it's dangerous. I'm starting to get bullied."

"You," She paused for a moment, "Fuck you, Jade."

The curly-haired girl got up from her seat and slammed it back under the table. She turned to leave and stormed to the door, she took one last glance at me and left. Perrie, who was sitting on the other side of the room, eyed me and quickly followed Leigh-Anne.

I let out another sigh and stared at my coffee again. The door opened again and a familiar group of voices talking. I looked up to see 'Fifth Harmony', taking a seat. I watched them laugh and just talk. I've never encountered them without being put down but for some reason, I had this urge to walk over to them.

They looked like normal teenagers for once. I felt guilty for what I did to Leigh-Anne and I'm never going to forgive myself, probably the same with the others. So I needed a new group of friends.

I walked slowly towards the group and they stopped their convocations when I arrived there.

"What?" Ally and the group had all turned and looked at me.

"I need new friends," I say, my voice filled with hope.

"Cool story," Dinah says and takes a sip of her coffee.

"I'm serious. I've been ditched and I've always liked you guys!"

Dinah raises her eyebrow and turns to the group of girls. There was a quiet murmur before Dinah turned back around and pulled out a chair and pointed to it. I took a seat and all the girls were looking at me.

"So we have decided you can join our group. But you have to follow rules. No taking the bus to school. That's lame. Lauren will pick you up in the mornings. You are not allowed any contact with your old friends unless you are dissing them. Oh, and we need to change up your wardrobe. Kay?" Dinah explains.

I look down at my clothes. I had on a dirty old pair of converse, ripped jeans and a three-year-old faded purple jumper on. I just quietly nod and the girls all give me their number.

"Great, let's go shopping!" Ally says and pulls out her wallet.

I shoot them a fake smile. What did I just do? Why did I just do that? Is my brain mentally confused? Am I just mentally confused? I shrug off my thoughts and follow the girls out of the cafe. Then it's like everything goes in slow motion. I see Perrie and Leigh-Anne sitting across the cafe on a park bench. Perrie's arm is huddled over Leigh-Anne's while she's staring at the ground. It must have been the sound of the bell because they both look and see me with the girls.

Perrie's shaking her head and Leigh-Anne is just staring at me like I've just murdered someone. I stare at them two, my legs feel like jelly. I look at the group of girls who were already walking towards the mall and then look back at my two ex-best friends.

This is my new life now and I can't let my old friends and old feelings get in the way of things. I take a deep breath and turn towards the girls.

"YOU ASSHOLE!" I hear Perrie yell out.

Tears threatened my eyes but I just keep my head down low. I feel someone take my hand and I look up to see Lauren smiling at me.

"You're with us now. You don't need them, sweetie," she flashes me a toothy smile.

I took one last look at my old friends and then I never looked back.


I flop down on my bed. Today was so tiring. First, I broke off a friendship then I shopped for five hours. I picked up one of Victoria's Secret bags of the ground and pulled out the new pajama set I just bought. It was a pink silk nightgown with pink knee high socks. I took off my old favorite jumper and slipped on my new nightgown. Then I got a message on my phone.

Leigh: Hope your happy
Jade: yeah I am
L: why would you do that to me Jade?
J: stop messaging this number, please
L: are you serious?
J: I'm sorry
L: Why don't i believe you?
J: idk
L: goodbye forever.
J: bye.

I quickly wipe away the tear that was escaping down my face. Why had I become such a bitch? I truly am a horrible person. 

I regret it. I regret it so damn much it hurts. The relationship with that group was toxic anyway, It wouldn't have lasted, right? Right. I put my phone down on my bedside table and just stare aimlessly are the roof. My life has just fallen apart in the space of twenty-four hours. I shut my eyes tight, trying not to let tears escape my eyes. 


My eyes flutter open to the sunshine peeking through my room. I sat up in my bed and looked at the bags sitting on the ground. So that wasn't a dream, I really just fucking became friends with the school bullies. I turn over into my pillow and scream into it.

Did that make me feel better? No. Was the helpful? No. Was that useless? Yes, indeed it was. I have ruined my life in just seventeen hours, how is that even humanly possible?





YES HI IT HAS BEEN SO LONG I AM SO SORRY! I have an excuse okay, school. School was been taking over my life, but I have brought up my grades witch is swell lol. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'm sorry again that it took me almost a month to update again.

Lots of love, R x 

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